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    25 May 2001, Volume 12 Issue 3
    Decomposition interaction of mixed litter between Chinese fir and various accompanying plant species
    LIN Kaimin, HONG Wei, YU Xintuo, HUANG Baolong
    2001, (3):  321-325. 
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    Studies on the decomposition of mixed litter between Chinese fir and 8 accompanying plant species showed that the decomposition of Chinese fir litter was promoted to different degrees by 8 mixed plant species, in which Angiopteris fokiensis had the greatest effect,while Schima superba had certain promotion first,but then,weak inhibition. The order of promotion was Angiopteris fokiensis>Maesa japonica>Ficus simplicissima>Woodwardia japonica>Boehmeria nivea>Castanopsis fargesii>Castanopsis fissa>Dicranopteris dicotoma.Chinese fir litter had a certain inhibition to litter decomposition of Schima superba and Castanopsis fissa, and certain promotion to litter decomposition of Castanopsis fargesii,but the interactions were not significant.There existed an interaction between Chinese fir and some plant species in the course of mixed decomposition. Therefore,rational protection and restoration of understory plant was important to fasten nutrient cycling of Chinese fir plantation ecosystem and to maintain soil fertility.
    Causal factors of decline disease in exotic pine (Pinus taeda and P elliottii) plantations
    SHU Qinglong, YANG Guangdao, ZOU Yunding, TANG Jian, HUANG Changchun
    2001, 12(3):  326-330. 
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    Investigation on the cause of the decline of exotic pine plantations in Anhui Province was carried out from 1995 to 2000. The results showed that the cause might develop from the interaction of three or more sets of factors. The first group of factors called as predisposing factors were high and low temperature and rainfall, poor soil fertility,and excessive soil bulk density, soil moisture, and of stand density;the second group of factors called as inciting factors were insect defoliators, damaging diseases of needles, late spring frost,severe drought,and excessive resin tapping,and the third group of factors called as contributing factors were several biotic agents such as shoot blight infected by Sphaeropsis sapinea, decay wood and root rot by fungi, and bark beetles and wood borers.
    Relationship between decline disease of exotic pines(Pinus taeda and Peliottii) and forest stand and environmental factors
    SHU Qinglong, ZOU Yunding, YANG Guangdao, ZHU Qian, HUANG Changchun
    2001, 12(3):  331-334. 
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    The relationship between decline disease of exotic pines(Pinus taeda and P.eliottii)plantations in Anhui Province and forest stand status and environmental factors was quantitatively analyzed.Among 18 variable factors from 4 types of factors(climate,soil,stand status,and other diseases and insect pests),10 factors contributed greatly to the state of illness.These were tree age,stand density,resin tapping,rainfall,temperature,clay soil,stone soil,soil depth,water logging,and other diseases and insect pests.Of them soil depth and rainfall negatively,and others positively related with the severity of disease.Accordingly,a linear multiple regression model was derived,which might predict the developmental level of decline disease at any given conditions of exotic pine plantation.In addition,the spiral chart of decline disease was mapped based on the action size and time order of various nosogenetic factors during the incidence of decline disease,which was used to visually describe and quantitatively analyze the disease with complicated causes.
    Variation of soil microsite moisture-physical properties and its effect on Fraxinus mandshurica juvenile stand growth
    WANG Qingcheng, ZHANG Yandong, WANG Zhengquan
    2001, 12(3):  335-338. 
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    Soil microsite plays an important role in the regeneration, seedling survival, and individual growth of trees.This paper studied the relationship between soil microsite moisture physical properties and Fraxinus mandshurica growth.Variation was found not only among different sites in traditional scale, but also among different microsites.Some variations of soil properties among different microsite were greater than those among different sites. The growth of Fraxinus mandshurica varied greatly among different microsites.Microsites affected most soil moisture physical properties and tree growth.The study demonstrated the importance of matching trees to the proper microsite on the growth of plantation stand.
    Response of structural plasticity of Tilia amurensis sapling crowns to different light conditions
    XU Chengyang
    2001, 12(3):  339-343. 
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    This paper studied the crown structure of Tilia amurensis saplings,e.g.the shape of crown,and the distribution of branch and leaf.It is shown that the crown structure of the saplings was modified plastically in response to different light conditions.The differentiation of the first order branches was promoted by strong radiation,due to the bole growth being inhibited under high light condition,whereas the bifurcation density of the first order branches whose growth was inhibited by shading was promoted in under canopy environment.The quantitative leaf densities of the saplings obviously decreased with the decrease of light level,while their leaves tented to distribute in upper corwn.The interception of the saplings was enhanced by the distribution pattern of branches and leaves in crown.Under adequate shade condition,the saplings had the strategy of shade avoidance of pioneer species in upward growth,and had the strategy of light forage of moderate shade tolerance in horizontal branch growth.The saplings expressed typically shade tolerant under weak light condition.Such a change of crown structure was an advantageous adaptation for enhancing light interception.
    Phenolic acid degradation fungi screened from successive plantation site of Chinese fir
    HE Shaojiang, MAO Xinguo, LI Chuanhan
    2001, 12(3):  344-346. 
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    Successive plantation of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) leads an obvious decline of soil fertility. To solve the urgent problem,five fungal species (F2,F3,F4,F7,F15 ) which can effectively degrade phenolic acid were screened to degrade the toxic material in successive plantation site and to improve the soil bioactivity.Pot experiment showed that all test fungus,except F4,could improve plant growth individually,but not counteract the effect of phenolic acid.Inoculating five inoculated fungi mixed with equal proportion not only counteracted the inhibitory effect of phenolic acid but also improved the growth of Chinese fir uninoculated with VAM fungi but inoculated with G.mosseae.
    Age-structure dynamics and genetic consequences of Hippophea rhamnoides Lsubsp sinensis clone population in Mu Su sandland
    LI Genqian, HUANG Baolong
    2001, 12(3):  347-350. 
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    Based on the measurement of all individuals of population at different successional stage,the investigation on edge dispersal effect and the following excavation of clones,the dynamics of age structure and genetic consequences of Hippophea rhamnoides L.subsp sinensis clone population in Mu Su sandland were examined. The results showed that the age structure of the clone population was characterized by a transformation from an increasing type in the early period starting from the initial colonization through a stable type to a declining type. The clone population could maintain or recover its stability by edge dispersal and gap regeneration with clonal growth. As the population self thinned, the composition of clone population changed from more clones with less ramets to less clones with more ramets and the genetic diversity of clone population decreased.
    Relationship between growth potential of pine,population density of Monochamus alternatus and pathogenicity of Bursaphlenchus xyloophilus
    DING Yuzhou, L? Chuanhai, HAN Bing, POU Houping, WU Muling
    2001, (3):  351-354. 
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    The results showed that the growth potential of pine (x) is negative related to the population density of Monochamus alternatus (y) and the pathoyenecity of Bursaphlenchus xyloophilus (z). But the population density of Monochamus alternatus is positively related to the pathogenicity of Bursaphlenchus xyloophilus. Three linear equations regression line were established as y=1793.771-16404.47x,z=31.80989-241.9274x, y=-407 611+70.51478z.Correlation coefficient is -0.8139,-0.8770 and +0.9864 respectively.
    Prevalent forecast of kiwifruit bacterial canker caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv actinidiae
    LI Yao, CHENG Heyuan, FANG Shumiao, QIAN Zihua
    2001, 12(3):  355-358. 
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    The prevalent analysis of kiwifruit bacterial canker for several years showed that the effective ecological factors of severe degree were the precipitation (x1) in the second and last ten days of March,and the average temperature (x2) of January.The model was y=2.1359+0.0107x1-0.6061x2.The main factor of the prevalence was the relative variation of ten days average temperature and precipitation in Winter and in early Spring,and the regression equation was y=-8.127+22.739x-13.254x2.The forecast effect of the equation was obviously significant after testing.
    Ecological factors affecting prevalence of kiwifruit bacterial canker and bacteriostatic action of bacteriocides on Pseudomonas syringae pvactinidae
    LI Yao, CHENG Heyuan, FANG Shumiao, QIAN Zihua
    2001, 12(3):  359-362. 
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    According to the systematic study for 5 years,this paper dealt with the ecological factors affecting prevalence of kiwifruit bacterial canker.The disease was more serious in the orchards with above 750 m in elevation,and more serious at mountain slope facing south than facing north.Incidence differed significantly among cultivars,with easy disease infection for Jinfeng,and strong disease resistance for Jinkui.The older the trees,the more the diseased plants.The one year old twigs had highest death twig incidence of diseased twigs and death twig incidence than other twigs.Among 6 tested bacteriocides,Jiaruinong and streptomycin showed best bacteriostatic effect.
    A primary study on seed production of medicinal plant Sinopodophyllum hexandrum
    MA Shaobin, JIANG Hanqiao, HUANG Hengyue
    2001, 12(3):  363-368. 
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    The study on the seed production of five Sinopodophyllum hexandrum(Berberidaceae) populations demonstrated that the average ovule number,average seed number and seed set ratio of these populations were varied,but all positively related with the altitude of the population.The average ovule number of a flower ranged from 58.79 to 87.97,average seed number of a fruit ranged from 40.02 to 80.58,and average seed set ratio of population ranged from 61.29% to 91.60%.The average weight per seed in a fruit was negatively related with the altitude and seed number in the fruit.The result also showed that seed production of a population had no obvious difference in different years.Although seed production was mainly influenced by nutrition condition of the individual,it was still influenced by altitude and other factors.Seed number in a fruit was positively related with fruit size(including weight,length and width)and total seed weight of the fruit,but average single seed weight of a fruit had no obvious relation with fruit size and total seed weight of the fruit.
    Effect of grazing rate on biomass and element composition of Xanthoparmelia camtschadalis
    LI Xiangzhen, XING Xuerong, CHEN Zuozhong
    2001, 12(3):  369-373. 
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    Xanthoparmelia camtschadalis is widely distributed in grassland area of Mongolian Plateau. There are few studies on the relationships between biomass,element composition and stocking rate.The relationships of biomass and element composition of Xanthoparmelia camtschadalis to grazing rates in Leymus chinensis steppe in Inner Mongolia were investigated.The results indicated that the biomass of the lichen was highest under light grazing,while the lowest under extremely overgrazing treatment.The C,N and Ca concentrations were higher than 1%,P,Mg,K and Fe were between 0.1% and 1%,and Na,Mn,Cu,Zn,and B were less than 0.1%.The Ca content in Xanthoparmelia camtschadalis was much higher than that in vascular plant.With an increasing grazing rate, the C concentration decreased,while N increased.The C/N ratio was the lowest under moderate and heavy grazing treatments.Ca,Mg,K,Fe,Mn and Cu contents were higher under grazing treatments.The changes of biomass and element composition of Xanthoparmelia camtschadalis had a good response to grazing rate,and hence,it was a good indicator to indicate the healthy condition and changes of biogeochemistry cycles in grassland ecosystems.
    Energy production of plants in grass,Dicranopteris dichotoma and Rhodomyrtus tomentosa communities in Hong Kong
    GUAN Dongsheng
    2001, 12(3):  374-378. 
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    With harvest method and caloric value analysis,this paper studied the caloric values,standing energy,net fixed energy and net standing energy increment of three plant communities i.e.,grass,Dicranopteris dichotoma and Rhodomyrtus tomentosa,in Hong Kong.The results showed that the caloric value was higher in D.dichotoma community and lower in grass community.The standing energy of plants in grass,D.dichotoma and R.tomentosa community was 18638,38436 and 65632kJ·m-2 ;net fixed energy was 13286,20354 and 18784 kJ·m-2 ·yr-1 ;and net standing energy increment was 3437,9626 and 6695 kJ·m-2 ·yr-1,respectively.Compared with southern subtropical evergreen broad leaved forest,the standing energy,net fixed energy and net standing energy increment were lower in grass,D.dichotoma and R.tomentosa communities,which resulted from deforestation and other human disturbance.This indicated that vegetation conversion due to human disturbance would reduce the utilization coefficient of solar energy.Net fixed energy was also found to be reduced significantly with increasing intensity of human disturbance.
    Comparative study on clonal and sexual reproductive traits of Leymus chinensis populations in different habitats
    WANG Renzhong
    2001, 12(3):  379-383. 
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    The variations of clonal and reproductive traits between four Leymus chinensis populations in different habitats were studied on northeast grasslands of China. The results showed that significant differences existed among Leymus chinensis populations in both clone traits (vegetative shoot densities and tiller densities) and sexual reproduction traits (reproductive shoot densities,reproductive shoot differentiation and reproductive effects),primarily due to the habitat heterogeneity of sites,especially the difference in soil moisture.The difference between grassland population and dune population was relatively greater,and the average vegetative shoot density,tiller density and sexual shoot density from grassland population were 50%,30% and 200% greater than those from dune,respectively.
    Caloric value and energy allocation of Chloris virgata in northeast grassland
    GUO Jixun, WANG Ruodan, WANG Wei
    2001, 12(3):  384-386. 
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    The rules of seasonal changes in caloric values of individual plant,stem,and leaves of Chloris virgata were similar,which had two peak values from early July to early August,and then decreased gradually.Those of inflorescence assumed U shape,and had two peak values in early August and middle September,respectively.The seasonal changes in caloric values of dead standing were irregular,and the maximum value was appeared in early August.The seasonal changes in existent energy value of the aboveground parts in Chloris virgata population presented double peak curve.The two peak values were appeared in early August and early September respectively,and the maximum value was 7381.27kJ·m-2 in early September.The energy allocation in different seasons was leaf>stem in early July,stem>leaf>dead standing in middle July,stem>leaf>inflorescence>dead standing in August,stem>inflorescence>leaf>dead standing in early September,and stem>inflorescence>dead standing>leaf in middle September.The vertical structure of energy in the aboveground parts was that the energy value gradually increased from the earth’s surface to 20cm high,and then decreased.The maximum value,which accounted for 25.75% of energy in the aboveground parts,was appeared in the layer of 10~20cm high.In the underground parts,the energy value progressively decreased with the increase of depth,and the maximum value,which accounted for 74.21% of energy in the underground parts,was appeared in the layer of 0~10 cm depth.
    Relationship between soil water content and water use efficiency of apple leaves
    JIE Yuling, YANG Hongqiang, CUI Minggang, LUO Xinshu
    2001, (3):  387-390. 
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    The relationship between soil water content and water use efficiency (WUE) of apple tree leaf was examined,and the mechanism of WUE variation was also studied by using pot culture.The results showed that the WUE was upmost when soil water relative content (SWC) reached 52.0%.The increase of WUE when SWC decreased from 77.2% to 52.0% was mainly caused by the change of stomatal conductance.The decline of carboxylation efficiency resulted in the decrease of WUE when SWC decreased from 52.0% to 20.1%.The WUE returned up after being rewatered,but could not reach the control level within a week.The WUE decreased when the soil was waterlogged,but reached the control level in three days after being waterlogged.After the third day,the WUE decreased gradually with the extending of the time being waterlogged.On the sixth day being waterlogged,the carboxylation efficiency decreased.
    Runoff loss ways of nutrients in non-irrigated farmland in Hefei outskirts
    ZHOU Jun, ZHU Jiang
    2001, (3):  391-394. 
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    Taking non irrigated flatlands in Hefei outskirts as experiment observation areas, yellow brown soil as selected soil type, and < 3癮s ground slope,the time of runoff development,runoff quantities,and silt carrying capacity under different rainfall intensity were observed on the non irrigated farmlands with different kinds of crops such as grain, oil, cotton and vegetables,and with different coverage for continuous 3 years.Based on the observation, water and soil samples were collected and analyzed.The results showed that the loss way of the surface soil and nutrients in non irrigated flatlands was obviously different from that on the sloping fields and on the upland.Over 98% of available N, P, and K nutrient loss were run off by chemical erosion.Physical erosion was the main way of the surface soil and organic matter loss, and 96.14% of total organic loss was caused by physical erosion.
    Effect of rare earth elements on the seedling ratio of crops
    ZHANG Zili, CHANG Jiang, WANG Chengsheng, CHAI Shaoming, HAN Xiuming, LI Rui
    2001, (3):  395-397. 
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    The effects of rare earth elements(REEs) on the relative seedling ratio of three crops(rice,rape and soybean)in three soil(red soil,yellow fluvo aquic soil and yellow cinnamon soil)were studied according to OECD method,and the LC50 were obtained. Toxicity effect of REEs on rice was minimum among the crops tested. The toxicity on crops in yellow cinnamon soil was lower, whereas on soybean in yellow fluvo aquic soil and on rape in red earth were higher.
    Water distribution and microclimatic effects of sprinkler irrigation on spring wheat field
    DU Yaodong, WANG Jian, LIU Zuoxin, CAI Chongguang, YANG Jiuting, GAN Zuoxun
    2001, (3):  398-400. 
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    Measurements of sprinkler irrigation on spring wheat field indicated that spring wheat canopy could intercept water by 25~30%, and compared with that above canopy in first milking period, the uniformity coefficient below canopy could be increased by 7~9%. Floating and evaporation loss of sprinkler irrigation water could reach 20~25% of the total. In addition, sprinkler irrigation on spring wheat field could decrease air and soil temperature, and increase air actual vapor pressure and relative humidity, which played a definite role in restraining crop transpiration.
    Effect of rice canopy structural changes on bidirectional reflectance
    LI Yunmei, WANG Renchao, WANG Xiuzheng, SHEN Zhangquan
    2001, (3):  401-404. 
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    The study of vegetation bidirectional reflectance is useful for remote sensing data interpretation. Vegetation canopies information such as leaf area index, mean leaf inclination, mean plant height, and coverage, can be inverted from vegetation bidirectional reflectance. This paper discussed the dynamics of vegetation canopies reflectance with vegetation canopy structures by measuring rice canopy structure and bidirectional reflectance at 26, 35, 41, 49, 62, 67 and 86 days after transplanting.It is concluded that the sensitivity of vegetation canopies to directional reflectance variations varied with canopy structures,and hence,through bidirectional reflectance, more information about canopy structure can be know.
    Symbiotic effect of cultivating fish in rice field in north China
    CAO Zhiqiang, LIANG Zhijie, ZHAO Yixin, DONG Yuhui
    2001, (3):  405-408. 
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    Experiment on rice fish symbiosis in north China showed that the ricce production in rice fish field was a bit higher than control,and the output input ratio of energy,utilization efficiency of solar energy and soil organic matter content increased 0.08,0.1 and 0.24%,respectively.The banded sclerotic blight incidence decreased 3.8% and the net economic income increased 900 RMB yuan per hectare.All the resuts showed that rice fish symbiotic system had a good symbiotic effect.
    Stress response of Nilaparvata lugens at high temperature and activities of its protective enzyme systems
    FENG Congjing, DAI Huaguo, WU Shuwen
    2001, (3):  409-413. 
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    The nymphae and different wing form adults of Brown Planthopper (BPH) were treated intermittently at 34℃,36℃and 38℃.During the process of heat shock treatment,the variation of the activities of the endogenous enzymes of protective system and the content of lipid peroxides (LPO) in BPH were researched.The results showed that the effect of heat shock treatments on CAT activity in 4th instar of nymphae was higher than that in 3rd and 5th instar.The CAT activity in BPH adults increased with the day age,and 36℃ was the suitable temperature at which H 2O 2 was scavenged by CAT.The GSH px activity was higher in old than that in young nymphae,and the ability of GSH px to scavenge H 2O 2 was higher in old adults than in those adults emerged early.The activity of SOD had a positive correlation with the treated temperatures,and decreased with the increase of nymphae instar and the day age of adults after emergence at the same temperature.The activities of CAT,GSH px,and SOD in macropterous adults were higher than those in brachypterous adults.There were no significant difference for the activities of CAT,GSH px and SOD between female and male adults (α>0.05).The content of LPO in BPH increased with the rise of treated temperature,and also increased with the increase of instars in nymphae and day age after emergence in adults at the same temperature.The LPO content was higher in brachypterous than in macropterous adults.
    Relationship between production input and secondary succession of earthworm population in salinity transforming region of North China-A case study in Quzhou County
    QIAO Yuhui, WU Wenliang
    2001, (3):  414-416. 
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    The analysis on earthworm diversity in the farmland ecosystem of salinity transforming region in Quzhou County,Hebei Province,showed that the secondary succession of earthworm population had a close relationship with the input of fertilizer and manure.An optimum input,especially manure input,could accelerate the secondary succession.The general trend of earthworm distribution was in the order of second experimental district>first experimental district>third experimental district>original area.The distribution,biomass and amount of earthworm varied in different types of land use,and the relationship was in the order of vegetable field>crop field>orchard and margin land.
    Effect of environmental factors on N and P uptake by Gracilaria tenuistipitata varliui Zhang et Xia
    XU Zhongneng, LIN Xiaotao, JI Xinli, WANG Zhaohui, HUANG Changjiang
    2001, (3):  417-421. 
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    The effect of light intensity, pH, temperature, salinity on the uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus by Gracilaria tenuistipitata var.liui Zhang et Xia was were studied under laboratory conditions. The uptake rate of nitrogen reached as high as 0.32~0.36μmol·g-1 ·h-1 at favorable light intensity of 800~2400μmol photon·m-2 ·s-1, while that of phosphorus reached 0.017~0.018μmol·g-1 ·h-1 at 320~1600μmol photon·m-2 ·s-1. The nutrient uptake rate reached the maximum at pH 8.0. A significant difference of N uptake rate at different temperatures or salinities and that of P uptake rate at different temperatures were found.The N uptake rate was higher at 21~26℃ and 20%~28%, but P uptake was higher at 21~26℃. There was no interaction between temperature and salinity.
    Effect of benzo(a)pyrene on antioxidant enzyme activities in Boleophthalmus pectinirostris liver
    FENG Tao, ZHENG Weiyun, HONG Wanshu, PENG Gen
    2001, (3):  422-424. 
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    The effect of different BaP concentrations on the activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD),glutathione peroxidase(GPx) and catalase(CAT) in Boleophthalmus pectinirostris liver was studied under experimental condition.The results showed that the activities of antioxidant enzymes did not change too much with BaP exposure in lower concentration,whereas the SOD and GPx activities were increased significantly with BaP exposure in higher concentration.No statistical changes were observed in the effect of BaP exposure in different concentrations on CAT activities throughout the experiment.
    Tree stomatal infiltration and SO2 injury and protection effect of ABA
    HAN Sumei
    2001, (3):  425-428. 
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    This paper deals with relation between tree stomatal infiltration and SO2 injury and the protection effect of ABA. Experiments of SO2 smoking to the selected trees were carried out and the data were collected in the field. The results show that stomatal infiltration was a comparably constant index for certain tree species. The infiltration of trees is negatively correlated with the combine extent of chlorophy, but not obviously. The index is also positively correlated with K+ efflux in leaf(r=0.92, α<0.01). In the experiment of SO2 smoking, the effect on infiltration of same species under different SO2 concentration was little, less than one grade, while K+ efflux increased with the increment of SO2 amount absorbed by the leaves. When the leaves were sprayed with ABA solution, the higher the ABA solution concentration was, the lower the K+ efflux was. When leaves sprayed with ABA solution were smoked with 2.5 mol·L-1 for four hours, the infiltration of leaves with 30 mol·L-1 ABA solution dropped 1.5~3 and K+ concentration decreased 36.5%~54.8% on leaves. It indicates that the ABA solution on leaves has remarkable effect of protection of SO2 injury.
    Influence of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on photosynthesis and leaf nitrogen partition in process of photosynthetic carbon cycle in Musa paradisiaca
    SUN Guchou, ZHAO Ping, ZENG Xiaoping, PENG Shaolin
    2001, (3):  429-434. 
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    The photosynthetic rate (Pn) in leaves of Musa paradisiaca grown under elevated CO2 concentration (700±56μl·L-1 ) for one week was 5.14±0 32μmol·m-2 ·s-1,22.1% higher than that under ambient CO2 concentration,while under elevated CO2 concentration for 8 week,the Pn decreased by 18.1%.It can be inferred that the photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 concentration and the Pn inhibition occurred in leaves of M.paradisiaca.The respiration rate in light (Rd) was lower in leaves under higher CO2 concentration,compared with that under ambient CO2 concentration.If the respiration in light was not included,the difference in CO2 compensation point for the leaves of both plants was not significant.Under higher CO2 concentration for 8 weeks,the maximum carboxylation rate(Vcmax)and electron transportation rate (J) in leaves decreased respectively by 30.5% and 14.8%,compared with that under ambient CO2 concentration.The calculated apparent quantum yield (α) in leaves under elevated CO2 concentration according to the initial slope of Pn/PAR was reduced to 0.014±0.010 molCO2·mol-1 quanta,compared with the value of 0.025±0.005molCO2·mol-1 quanta in the control.The efficiency of light energy conversion also decreased from 0.203 to 0.136 electrons·quanta-1 in plants under elevated CO2 concentration.A lower partitioning coefficient for leaf nitrogen in Rubisco,bioenergetics and thylakoid light harvesting components was observed in plants under higher CO2 concentration.The results indicated that the multi process of photosynthesis was suppressed significantly by a long term(8 weeks) higher CO2 concentration incubation.
    Chelate-induced phytoextraction of copper contaminated upland red soil
    WU Longhua, LUO Yongming, HUANG Huanzhong
    2001, (3):  435-438. 
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    A copper spiked red soil was used in pot experiment to study the effects of EDTA and low molecule weight organic acids on Cu speciation in soil,and Cu uptake by Brassica juncea.The results showed that the mobility of Cu in soil was improved obviously when EDTA was added at the vigorous growth stage.Both water extractable and exchangeable Cu concentration increased significantly following EDTA addition.Citric acid and malic acid only had an effect on water extractable Cu,and no effect on Cu uptake by the plant.EDTA significantly increased the concentration of Cu in plant leaves and roots,and the Cu uptake by Brassica juncea.All of these indicated the chelate induced phytoextraction.
    Preliminary study on anaerobic bioremediation process for pentachlorophenol (PCP)-contaminated soil
    XU Xiangyang, FENG Xiaoshan
    2001, (3):  439-442. 
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    The performances of soil slurry process with supplement of anaerobic granular sludge for remediating PCP contaminated soil was investigated.The results showed that inherent anaerobic microbes in soil exhibited a little dechlorinating activity for simulative contaminated soil with 30mg穔g-1 of PCP,the average PCP degradation rates within 28 d was 0.258 mg穔g-1-1.In soil slurry processes with 5 g穔g-1 granular sludge at aerobic,aerobic /anaerobic and anaerobic operation,the average PCP degradation rates within 28 d were 0.269,0.291/0.842 and 0.892mg穔g-1-1,respectively. PCP degradation rates were increased with increasing the amounts of anaerobic granular sludge,0.834, 0.843,0.928mg穔g-1-1 of the average PCP degradation rates within 35 d were achieved in soil slurry processes supplemented with 5,10,25 g穔g-1 of granular sludge,respectively.This bioremediation process also presented higher initial PCP degradation rate for higher concentration(60mg穔g-1 ) of PCP in soil.
    Photobacterium phosphoreum assay on the toxicity of soil contaminated by heavy metals
    LI Bin, LI Peijun, WANG Jing, YANG Guifen, ZHANG Hairong
    2001, (3):  443-446. 
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    The toxicity of soil artificially contaminated by heavy metals was assessed with Photobacterium phosphoreum.The results showed that the duration of optimum balance was 24 hours, and that of optimum extraction was 2 hours. Two leaching methods were compared, and data showed that optimum leaching solvent was hydrocarbon chloride with a concentration of 0.1mol稬-1 HCL. Dose response curve indicated that the content of heavy metals was positively related with the toxicity of soil. The general detection limit given by EC 50 of soil contaminated by single heavy metal were Cd 26.12 mg穔g-1, Cu 291.48 mg穔g-1,Zn 72.46 mg穔g-1 and Pb 2174.93 mg穔g-1. This study also indicated the toxicity of complex heavy metals pollution in soil was stronger than that of individual element. The research could provide a theoretic base for the remediation of soil contaminated by heavy metals.
    Co-metabolic degradation of pyrene in soil
    GONG Zongqiang, LI Peijun, WANG Xin, ZHANG Hairong, SONG Yufang, LI Bin
    2001, (3):  447-450. 
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    High molecular weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are always degraded by means of co metabolism.This study compared the degradation process of pyrene as sole source of carbon and energy and co metabolic degradation process of pyrene.The degradation rate of pyrene after 25 days in the first process was 57%,while the degradation rate of pyrene in the co metabolic processes were about 80%.The half life of pyrene in the co metabolic process was shorter than those in the processes without co metabolism.Salicylic acid,phthalic acid,sodium succinate could serve as co metabolic substrate to enhance the degradation rate of pyrene,and sodium succinate has the best effect.There was co metabolic relationship between pyrene and phenanthrene which was a kind of low molecular weight PAHs,phenanthrene accelerated the degradation of pyrene,while naphthalene didn’t.The principle of the co metabolism and the optimal material used as co metabolic substrate were demonstrated in this paper.
    Transportation and transformation of 14C-phenanthrene in closed chamber (nutrient solution-lava-plant-air) system
    JIANG Xia, OU Ziqing, YING Peifeng, Ayfer Yediler, Antonious Ketrrup
    2001, (3):  451-454. 
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    The transportation and transformation of 14C phenanthrene in a closed ‘plant lava nutrient solution air' chamber system was studied by using radioactivity technology. The results showed that in this closed chamber system,phenanthrene was degraded fast.The radioactivity of 14C left at 23d in the nutrient solution was only 25% of applied.At the end of experiment (46d),the distribution sequence of 14C activity in the components of closed chamber system was root (38.55%)>volatile organic compounds (VOCs, 17.68%)>lava (14.35%)>CO2(11.42%)> stem (2%). 14C activities in plant tissue were combined with the tissue,and existed in the forms of lava bound(root 4.68%; stem and leaves 0.68%) and polar metabolites (root 23.14%; stem 0.78%).
    Physiology and development of two Roegneria kamoji populations stressed by copper
    LIU Dengyi, YANG Shiyong, XIE Jianchun, ZHAO Juan
    2001, (3):  455-457. 
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    Roegneria kamoji grown copper tailings had weak stem,short height,and thick leave color,while its counterpart on normal soil was the opposite.Exposed to copper,R.kamoji had a decreased chlorophyll content.A certain concentration of copper could promote the seed germination of R.kamoji,and the extract of copper tailings did not decrease the seed germination rate,but deferred the germination.Root growth test indicated that when the concentration of copper was 0.125mg稬-1,the rooting of R.kamoji was promoted.If the concentration was more than 0.25mg稬-1,the rooting was inhibited significantly.R.kamoji colonized on normal soil wase more sensitive to copper than that on Cu polluted soil.
    Identification of key toxicants in a bleaching effluenta case study
    YU Hongxia, CHENG Jing, JIN Hongjun
    2001, (3):  458-460. 
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    The toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) was conducted with a toxic bleaching effluent to identify its toxic components. Toxicity characterisation procedures (phase Ⅰ) indicated that the primary toxicants in the effluent were volatile,and could be reduced by sodium thiosulfate. Toxicity based fractionation techniques (phase Ⅱ) were conducted,and the oxidation organic chloridates were found not to be the major toxicants.Deletion approach of phase Ⅲ confirmed that the toxicity decreased with the decrease of free and total residual chlorine concentrations,indicating that Cl2, HClO and ClO were identified as primary toxicants in the effluent.
    Chemical defense of plant to mammalian herbivore
    LI Junnian, LIU Jike
    2001, (3):  461-464. 
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    The research progress in the chemical defense of plant to mammalian herbivore was reviewed in this paper.The plant secondary compounds mainly are phenolics, terpenoids and nitrogen containing compounds. The defense efficiency of plant to mammalian herbivores is different with the types and content of secondary compounds in plant. Secondary compounds inhibited the foraging of mammalian herbivores by affecting the intake, digestion, metabolites and reproduction of animal. It is the main trends to study the mode of coevolution of plant and animals mediated by plant secondary compounds.
    Soil macropore and its studying methodology
    LIU Wei, OU Ziqing, YING Peifeng
    2001, (3):  465-468. 
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    This paper discusses the definition, size, types, formation of soil macropores.Soil macropore (>0.03mm) is the pore space that provides preferential paths of flow. The shape of macropore varies from crack or fissure, through to cylindrical pipe. Macropore is formed in main ways:by plant roots and soil fauna; wet dry and freeze thaw cycles; chemical weathering. The studying method of macropore divided into direct measurement and indirect description, which suitability and limitation are also reviewed.
    New advances in research of combined pollution
    ZHENG Zhenhua, ZHOU Peijiang, WU Zhenbin
    2001, (3):  469-473. 
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    Combined pollution has become one of the important directions of environmental science at present. In this paper, new advances of studies on combined pollution were summarized. The studies of inorganic combined pollution, inorganic organic combined pollution and organic combined pollution were reviewed. The mechanisms of combined pollution were approached from chemistry, physiology, enzymology, cytology and molecular biology. Then some problems and developing aspects on the research of combined pollution were put forward.
    Analysis on landscape ecology literatures in China during recent ten years
    CAO Yu, XIAO Duning, ZHAO Yi, LI Xiuzhen, WANG Lianping
    2001, (3):  474-477. 
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    Landscape ecology has achieved great progress since its introduction to China in early 1980s. Based on 619 collections of literatures and 14 collections of books, this paper has all the literatures and books classified, arranged in order and counted on different special subject. According to the results of classified statistics, the authors discuss and analyze how landscape ecology research was going in China during 1990s. Moreover, this paper can also provide scientific basis for those who want to grasp and keep abreast of current focus and trend of landscape ecology in China.
    Effect of boron fertilization on B uptake and utilization by oilseed rape(Brassica napus L) under different soil moisture regimes
    LOU Yunsheng, YANG Yuai, XU Jianmin
    2001, (3):  478-480. 
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    Pot experiment was conducted in greenhouse to determine the effect of boron fertilization on B uptake and utilization by oilseed rape at seedling stage as influenced by soil moisture regime.The results showed that B concentration in shoot and root increased with the increase of soil water content and B fertilization level,while its utilization efficiency(BUE) and mobilization index(BMI) increased with the decrease of soil water content and B application level.Differences in BUE and BMI of test oilseed rape cultivars were significant,i.e.,V 1 showed higher BUE and BMI than V 4 under the same conditions.It is concluded that BUE and B mobility in plant were the major factors responsible for the differences in response of different oilseed rape cultivars to B deficiency.
    Decomposition interaction of mixed litter between Chinese fir and various accompanying plant species
    LIN Kaimin, HONG Wei, YU Xintuo, HUANG Baolong
    2001, (3):  321-325. 
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    Studies on the decomposition of mixed litter between Chinese fir and 8 accompanying plant species showed that the decomposition of Chinese fir litter was promoted to different degrees by 8 mixed plant species, in which Angiopteris fokiensis had the greatest effect,while Schima superba had certain promotion first,but then,weak inhibition. The order of promotion was Angiopteris fokiensis>Maesa japonica>Ficus simplicissima>Woodwardia japonica>Boehmeria nivea>Castanopsis fargesii>Castanopsis fissa>Dicranopteris dicotoma.Chinese fir litter had a certain inhibition to litter decomposition of Schima superba and Castanopsis fissa, and certain promotion to litter decomposition of Castanopsis fargesii,but the interactions were not significant.There existed an interaction between Chinese fir and some plant species in the course of mixed decomposition. Therefore,rational protection and restoration of understory plant was important to fasten nutrient cycling of Chinese fir plantation ecosystem and to maintain soil fertility.
    Causal factors of decline disease in exotic pine (Pinus taeda and P elliottii) plantations
    SHU Qinglong, YANG Guangdao, ZOU Yunding, TANG Jian, HUANG Changchun
    2001, (3):  326-330. 
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    Investigation on the cause of the decline of exotic pine plantations in Anhui Province was carried out from 1995 to 2000. The results showed that the cause might develop from the interaction of three or more sets of factors. The first group of factors called as predisposing factors were high and low temperature and rainfall, poor soil fertility,and excessive soil bulk density, soil moisture, and of stand density;the second group of factors called as inciting factors were insect defoliators, damaging diseases of needles, late spring frost,severe drought,and excessive resin tapping,and the third group of factors called as contributing factors were several biotic agents such as shoot blight infected by Sphaeropsis sapinea, decay wood and root rot by fungi, and bark beetles and wood borers.
    Relationship between decline disease of exotic pines(Pinus taeda and Peliottii) and forest stand and environmental factors
    SHU Qinglong, ZOU Yunding, YANG Guangdao, ZHU Qian, HUANG Changchun
    2001, (3):  331-334. 
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    The relationship between decline disease of exotic pines(Pinus taeda and P.eliottii)plantations in Anhui Province and forest stand status and environmental factors was quantitatively analyzed.Among 18 variable factors from 4 types of factors(climate,soil,stand status,and other diseases and insect pests),10 factors contributed greatly to the state of illness.These were tree age,stand density,resin tapping,rainfall,temperature,clay soil,stone soil,soil depth,water logging,and other diseases and insect pests.Of them soil depth and rainfall negatively,and others positively related with the severity of disease.Accordingly,a linear multiple regression model was derived,which might predict the developmental level of decline disease at any given conditions of exotic pine plantation.In addition,the spiral chart of decline disease was mapped based on the action size and time order of various nosogenetic factors during the incidence of decline disease,which was used to visually describe and quantitatively analyze the disease with complicated causes.
    Variation of soil microsite moisture-physical properties and its effect on Fraxinus mandshurica juvenile stand growth
    WANG Qingcheng, ZHANG Yandong, WANG Zhengquan
    2001, (3):  335-338. 
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    Soil microsite plays an important role in the regeneration, seedling survival, and individual growth of trees.This paper studied the relationship between soil microsite moisture physical properties and Fraxinus mandshurica growth.Variation was found not only among different sites in traditional scale, but also among different microsites.Some variations of soil properties among different microsite were greater than those among different sites. The growth of Fraxinus mandshurica varied greatly among different microsites.Microsites affected most soil moisture physical properties and tree growth.The study demonstrated the importance of matching trees to the proper microsite on the growth of plantation stand.
    Response of structural plasticity of Tilia amurensis sapling crowns to different light conditions
    XU Chengyang
    2001, (3):  339-343. 
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    This paper studied the crown structure of Tilia amurensis saplings,e.g.the shape of crown,and the distribution of branch and leaf.It is shown that the crown structure of the saplings was modified plastically in response to different light conditions.The differentiation of the first order branches was promoted by strong radiation,due to the bole growth being inhibited under high light condition,whereas the bifurcation density of the first order branches whose growth was inhibited by shading was promoted in under canopy environment.The quantitative leaf densities of the saplings obviously decreased with the decrease of light level,while their leaves tented to distribute in upper corwn.The interception of the saplings was enhanced by the distribution pattern of branches and leaves in crown.Under adequate shade condition,the saplings had the strategy of shade avoidance of pioneer species in upward growth,and had the strategy of light forage of moderate shade tolerance in horizontal branch growth.The saplings expressed typically shade tolerant under weak light condition.Such a change of crown structure was an advantageous adaptation for enhancing light interception.
    Phenolic acid degradation fungi screened from successive plantation site of Chinese fir
    HE Shaojiang, MAO Xinguo, LI Chuanhan
    2001, (3):  344-346. 
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    Successive plantation of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) leads an obvious decline of soil fertility. To solve the urgent problem,five fungal species (F2,F3,F4,F7,F15 ) which can effectively degrade phenolic acid were screened to degrade the toxic material in successive plantation site and to improve the soil bioactivity.Pot experiment showed that all test fungus,except F4,could improve plant growth individually,but not counteract the effect of phenolic acid.Inoculating five inoculated fungi mixed with equal proportion not only counteracted the inhibitory effect of phenolic acid but also improved the growth of Chinese fir uninoculated with VAM fungi but inoculated with G.mosseae.
    Age-structure dynamics and genetic consequences of Hippophea rhamnoides Lsubsp sinensis clone population in Mu Su sandland
    LI Genqian, HUANG Baolong
    2001, (3):  347-350. 
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    Based on the measurement of all individuals of population at different successional stage,the investigation on edge dispersal effect and the following excavation of clones,the dynamics of age structure and genetic consequences of Hippophea rhamnoides L.subsp sinensis clone population in Mu Su sandland were examined. The results showed that the age structure of the clone population was characterized by a transformation from an increasing type in the early period starting from the initial colonization through a stable type to a declining type. The clone population could maintain or recover its stability by edge dispersal and gap regeneration with clonal growth. As the population self thinned, the composition of clone population changed from more clones with less ramets to less clones with more ramets and the genetic diversity of clone population decreased.
    Relationship between growth potential of pine,population density of Monochamus alternatus and pathogenicity of Bursaphlenchus xyloophilus
    DING Yuzhou, L? Chuanhai, HAN Bing, POU Houping, WU Muling
    2001, (3):  351-354. 
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    The results showed that the growth potential of pine (x) is negative related to the population density of Monochamus alternatus (y) and the pathoyenecity of Bursaphlenchus xyloophilus (z). But the population density of Monochamus alternatus is positively related to the pathogenicity of Bursaphlenchus xyloophilus. Three linear equations regression line were established as y=1793.771-16404.47x,z=31.80989-241.9274x, y=-407 611+70.51478z.Correlation coefficient is -0.8139,-0.8770 and +0.9864 respectively.
    Prevalent forecast of kiwifruit bacterial canker caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv actinidiae
    LI Yao, CHENG Heyuan, FANG Shumiao, QIAN Zihua
    2001, (3):  355-358. 
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    The prevalent analysis of kiwifruit bacterial canker for several years showed that the effective ecological factors of severe degree were the precipitation (x1) in the second and last ten days of March,and the average temperature (x2) of January.The model was y=2.1359+0.0107x1-0.6061x2.The main factor of the prevalence was the relative variation of ten days average temperature and precipitation in Winter and in early Spring,and the regression equation was y=-8.127+22.739x-13.254x2.The forecast effect of the equation was obviously significant after testing.
    Ecological factors affecting prevalence of kiwifruit bacterial canker and bacteriostatic action of bacteriocides on Pseudomonas syringae pvactinidae
    LI Yao, CHENG Heyuan, FANG Shumiao, QIAN Zihua
    2001, (3):  359-362. 
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    According to the systematic study for 5 years,this paper dealt with the ecological factors affecting prevalence of kiwifruit bacterial canker.The disease was more serious in the orchards with above 750 m in elevation,and more serious at mountain slope facing south than facing north.Incidence differed significantly among cultivars,with easy disease infection for Jinfeng,and strong disease resistance for Jinkui.The older the trees,the more the diseased plants.The one year old twigs had highest death twig incidence of diseased twigs and death twig incidence than other twigs.Among 6 tested bacteriocides,Jiaruinong and streptomycin showed best bacteriostatic effect.
    A primary study on seed production of medicinal plant Sinopodophyllum hexandrum
    MA Shaobin, JIANG Hanqiao, HUANG Hengyue
    2001, (3):  363-368. 
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    The study on the seed production of five Sinopodophyllum hexandrum(Berberidaceae) populations demonstrated that the average ovule number,average seed number and seed set ratio of these populations were varied,but all positively related with the altitude of the population.The average ovule number of a flower ranged from 58.79 to 87.97,average seed number of a fruit ranged from 40.02 to 80.58,and average seed set ratio of population ranged from 61.29% to 91.60%.The average weight per seed in a fruit was negatively related with the altitude and seed number in the fruit.The result also showed that seed production of a population had no obvious difference in different years.Although seed production was mainly influenced by nutrition condition of the individual,it was still influenced by altitude and other factors.Seed number in a fruit was positively related with fruit size(including weight,length and width)and total seed weight of the fruit,but average single seed weight of a fruit had no obvious relation with fruit size and total seed weight of the fruit.
    Effect of grazing rate on biomass and element composition of Xanthoparmelia camtschadalis
    LI Xiangzhen, XING Xuerong, CHEN Zuozhong
    2001, (3):  369-373. 
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    Xanthoparmelia camtschadalis is widely distributed in grassland area of Mongolian Plateau. There are few studies on the relationships between biomass,element composition and stocking rate.The relationships of biomass and element composition of Xanthoparmelia camtschadalis to grazing rates in Leymus chinensis steppe in Inner Mongolia were investigated.The results indicated that the biomass of the lichen was highest under light grazing,while the lowest under extremely overgrazing treatment.The C,N and Ca concentrations were higher than 1%,P,Mg,K and Fe were between 0.1% and 1%,and Na,Mn,Cu,Zn,and B were less than 0.1%.The Ca content in Xanthoparmelia camtschadalis was much higher than that in vascular plant.With an increasing grazing rate, the C concentration decreased,while N increased.The C/N ratio was the lowest under moderate and heavy grazing treatments.Ca,Mg,K,Fe,Mn and Cu contents were higher under grazing treatments.The changes of biomass and element composition of Xanthoparmelia camtschadalis had a good response to grazing rate,and hence,it was a good indicator to indicate the healthy condition and changes of biogeochemistry cycles in grassland ecosystems.
    Energy production of plants in grass,Dicranopteris dichotoma and Rhodomyrtus tomentosa communities in Hong Kong
    GUAN Dongsheng
    2001, (3):  374-378. 
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    With harvest method and caloric value analysis,this paper studied the caloric values,standing energy,net fixed energy and net standing energy increment of three plant communities i.e.,grass,Dicranopteris dichotoma and Rhodomyrtus tomentosa,in Hong Kong.The results showed that the caloric value was higher in D.dichotoma community and lower in grass community.The standing energy of plants in grass,D.dichotoma and R.tomentosa community was 18638,38436 and 65632kJ穖-2 ;net fixed energy was 13286,20354 and 18784 kJ穖-2 穣r-1 ;and net standing energy increment was 3437,9626 and 6695 kJ穖-2 穣r-1,respectively.Compared with southern subtropical evergreen broad leaved forest,the standing energy,net fixed energy and net standing energy increment were lower in grass,D.dichotoma and R.tomentosa communities,which resulted from deforestation and other human disturbance.This indicated that vegetation conversion due to human disturbance would reduce the utilization coefficient of solar energy.Net fixed energy was also found to be reduced significantly with increasing intensity of human disturbance.
    Comparative study on clonal and sexual reproductive traits of Leymus chinensis populations in different habitats
    WANG Renzhong
    2001, (3):  379-383. 
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    The variations of clonal and reproductive traits between four Leymus chinensis populations in different habitats were studied on northeast grasslands of China. The results showed that significant differences existed among Leymus chinensis populations in both clone traits (vegetative shoot densities and tiller densities) and sexual reproduction traits (reproductive shoot densities,reproductive shoot differentiation and reproductive effects),primarily due to the habitat heterogeneity of sites,especially the difference in soil moisture.The difference between grassland population and dune population was relatively greater,and the average vegetative shoot density,tiller density and sexual shoot density from grassland population were 50%,30% and 200% greater than those from dune,respectively.
    Caloric value and energy allocation of Chloris virgata in northeast grassland
    GUO Jixun, WANG Ruodan, WANG Wei
    2001, (3):  384-386. 
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    The rules of seasonal changes in caloric values of individual plant,stem,and leaves of Chloris virgata were similar,which had two peak values from early July to early August,and then decreased gradually.Those of inflorescence assumed U shape,and had two peak values in early August and middle September,respectively.The seasonal changes in caloric values of dead standing were irregular,and the maximum value was appeared in early August.The seasonal changes in existent energy value of the aboveground parts in Chloris virgata population presented double peak curve.The two peak values were appeared in early August and early September respectively,and the maximum value was 7381.27kJ·m-2 in early September.The energy allocation in different seasons was leaf>stem in early July,stem>leaf>dead standing in middle July,stem>leaf>inflorescence>dead standing in August,stem>inflorescence>leaf>dead standing in early September,and stem>inflorescence>dead standing>leaf in middle September.The vertical structure of energy in the aboveground parts was that the energy value gradually increased from the earth’s surface to 20cm high,and then decreased.The maximum value,which accounted for 25.75% of energy in the aboveground parts,was appeared in the layer of 10~20cm high.In the underground parts,the energy value progressively decreased with the increase of depth,and the maximum value,which accounted for 74.21% of energy in the underground parts,was appeared in the layer of 0~10 cm depth.
    Relationship between soil water content and water use efficiency of apple leaves
    JIE Yuling, YANG Hongqiang, CUI Minggang, LUO Xinshu
    2001, (3):  387-390. 
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    The relationship between soil water content and water use efficiency (WUE) of apple tree leaf was examined,and the mechanism of WUE variation was also studied by using pot culture.The results showed that the WUE was upmost when soil water relative content (SWC) reached 52.0%.The increase of WUE when SWC decreased from 77.2% to 52.0% was mainly caused by the change of stomatal conductance.The decline of carboxylation efficiency resulted in the decrease of WUE when SWC decreased from 52.0% to 20.1%.The WUE returned up after being rewatered,but could not reach the control level within a week.The WUE decreased when the soil was waterlogged,but reached the control level in three days after being waterlogged.After the third day,the WUE decreased gradually with the extending of the time being waterlogged.On the sixth day being waterlogged,the carboxylation efficiency decreased.
    Runoff loss ways of nutrients in non-irrigated farmland in Hefei outskirts
    ZHOU Jun, ZHU Jiang
    2001, (3):  391-394. 
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    Taking non irrigated flatlands in Hefei outskirts as experiment observation areas, yellow brown soil as selected soil type, and < 3癮s ground slope,the time of runoff development,runoff quantities,and silt carrying capacity under different rainfall intensity were observed on the non irrigated farmlands with different kinds of crops such as grain, oil, cotton and vegetables,and with different coverage for continuous 3 years.Based on the observation, water and soil samples were collected and analyzed.The results showed that the loss way of the surface soil and nutrients in non irrigated flatlands was obviously different from that on the sloping fields and on the upland.Over 98% of available N, P, and K nutrient loss were run off by chemical erosion.Physical erosion was the main way of the surface soil and organic matter loss, and 96.14% of total organic loss was caused by physical erosion.
    Effect of rare earth elements on the seedling ratio of crops
    ZHANG Zili, CHANG Jiang, WANG Chengsheng, CHAI Shaoming, HAN Xiuming, LI Rui
    2001, (3):  395-397. 
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    The effects of rare earth elements(REEs) on the relative seedling ratio of three crops(rice,rape and soybean)in three soil(red soil,yellow fluvo aquic soil and yellow cinnamon soil)were studied according to OECD method,and the LC50 were obtained. Toxicity effect of REEs on rice was minimum among the crops tested. The toxicity on crops in yellow cinnamon soil was lower, whereas on soybean in yellow fluvo aquic soil and on rape in red earth were higher.
    Water distribution and microclimatic effects of sprinkler irrigation on spring wheat field
    DU Yaodong, WANG Jian, LIU Zuoxin, CAI Chongguang, YANG Jiuting, GAN Zuoxun
    2001, (3):  398-400. 
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    Measurements of sprinkler irrigation on spring wheat field indicated that spring wheat canopy could intercept water by 25~30%, and compared with that above canopy in first milking period, the uniformity coefficient below canopy could be increased by 7~9%. Floating and evaporation loss of sprinkler irrigation water could reach 20~25% of the total. In addition, sprinkler irrigation on spring wheat field could decrease air and soil temperature, and increase air actual vapor pressure and relative humidity, which played a definite role in restraining crop transpiration.
    Effect of rice canopy structural changes on bidirectional reflectance
    LI Yunmei, WANG Renchao, WANG Xiuzheng, SHEN Zhangquan
    2001, (3):  401-404. 
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    The study of vegetation bidirectional reflectance is useful for remote sensing data interpretation. Vegetation canopies information such as leaf area index, mean leaf inclination, mean plant height, and coverage, can be inverted from vegetation bidirectional reflectance. This paper discussed the dynamics of vegetation canopies reflectance with vegetation canopy structures by measuring rice canopy structure and bidirectional reflectance at 26, 35, 41, 49, 62, 67 and 86 days after transplanting.It is concluded that the sensitivity of vegetation canopies to directional reflectance variations varied with canopy structures,and hence,through bidirectional reflectance, more information about canopy structure can be know.
    Symbiotic effect of cultivating fish in rice field in north China
    CAO Zhiqiang, LIANG Zhijie, ZHAO Yixin, DONG Yuhui
    2001, (3):  405-408. 
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    Experiment on rice fish symbiosis in north China showed that the ricce production in rice fish field was a bit higher than control,and the output input ratio of energy,utilization efficiency of solar energy and soil organic matter content increased 0.08,0.1 and 0.24%,respectively.The banded sclerotic blight incidence decreased 3.8% and the net economic income increased 900 RMB yuan per hectare.All the resuts showed that rice fish symbiotic system had a good symbiotic effect.
    Stress response of Nilaparvata lugens at high temperature and activities of its protective enzyme systems
    FENG Congjing, DAI Huaguo, WU Shuwen
    2001, (3):  409-413. 
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    The nymphae and different wing form adults of Brown Planthopper (BPH) were treated intermittently at 34℃,36℃and 38℃.During the process of heat shock treatment,the variation of the activities of the endogenous enzymes of protective system and the content of lipid peroxides (LPO) in BPH were researched.The results showed that the effect of heat shock treatments on CAT activity in 4th instar of nymphae was higher than that in 3rd and 5th instar.The CAT activity in BPH adults increased with the day age,and 36℃ was the suitable temperature at which H 2O 2 was scavenged by CAT.The GSH px activity was higher in old than that in young nymphae,and the ability of GSH px to scavenge H 2O 2 was higher in old adults than in those adults emerged early.The activity of SOD had a positive correlation with the treated temperatures,and decreased with the increase of nymphae instar and the day age of adults after emergence at the same temperature.The activities of CAT,GSH px,and SOD in macropterous adults were higher than those in brachypterous adults.There were no significant difference for the activities of CAT,GSH px and SOD between female and male adults (α>0.05).The content of LPO in BPH increased with the rise of treated temperature,and also increased with the increase of instars in nymphae and day age after emergence in adults at the same temperature.The LPO content was higher in brachypterous than in macropterous adults.
    Relationship between production input and secondary succession of earthworm population in salinity transforming region of North China-A case study in Quzhou County
    QIAO Yuhui, WU Wenliang
    2001, (3):  414-416. 
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    The analysis on earthworm diversity in the farmland ecosystem of salinity transforming region in Quzhou County,Hebei Province,showed that the secondary succession of earthworm population had a close relationship with the input of fertilizer and manure.An optimum input,especially manure input,could accelerate the secondary succession.The general trend of earthworm distribution was in the order of second experimental district>first experimental district>third experimental district>original area.The distribution,biomass and amount of earthworm varied in different types of land use,and the relationship was in the order of vegetable field>crop field>orchard and margin land.
    Effect of environmental factors on N and P uptake by Gracilaria tenuistipitata varliui Zhang et Xia
    XU Zhongneng, LIN Xiaotao, JI Xinli, WANG Zhaohui, HUANG Changjiang
    2001, (3):  417-421. 
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    The effect of light intensity, pH, temperature, salinity on the uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus by Gracilaria tenuistipitata var.liui Zhang et Xia was were studied under laboratory conditions. The uptake rate of nitrogen reached as high as 0.32~0.36μmol·g-1 ·h-1 at favorable light intensity of 800~2400μmol photon·m-2 ·s-1, while that of phosphorus reached 0.017~0.018μmol·g-1 ·h-1 at 320~1600μmol photon·m-2 ·s-1. The nutrient uptake rate reached the maximum at pH 8.0. A significant difference of N uptake rate at different temperatures or salinities and that of P uptake rate at different temperatures were found.The N uptake rate was higher at 21~26℃ and 20%~28%, but P uptake was higher at 21~26℃. There was no interaction between temperature and salinity.
    Effect of benzo(a)pyrene on antioxidant enzyme activities in Boleophthalmus pectinirostris liver
    FENG Tao, ZHENG Weiyun, HONG Wanshu, PENG Gen
    2001, (3):  422-424. 
    Asbtract ( 973 )   PDF (419KB) ( 539 )  
    The effect of different BaP concentrations on the activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD),glutathione peroxidase(GPx) and catalase(CAT) in Boleophthalmus pectinirostris liver was studied under experimental condition.The results showed that the activities of antioxidant enzymes did not change too much with BaP exposure in lower concentration,whereas the SOD and GPx activities were increased significantly with BaP exposure in higher concentration.No statistical changes were observed in the effect of BaP exposure in different concentrations on CAT activities throughout the experiment.
    Tree stomatal infiltration and SO2 injury and protection effect of ABA
    HAN Sumei
    2001, (3):  425-428. 
    Asbtract ( 873 )   PDF (221KB) ( 480 )  
    This paper deals with relation between tree stomatal infiltration and SO2 injury and the protection effect of ABA. Experiments of SO2 smoking to the selected trees were carried out and the data were collected in the field. The results show that stomatal infiltration was a comparably constant index for certain tree species. The infiltration of trees is negatively correlated with the combine extent of chlorophy, but not obviously. The index is also positively correlated with K+ efflux in leaf(r=0.92, α<0.01). In the experiment of SO2 smoking, the effect on infiltration of same species under different SO2 concentration was little, less than one grade, while K+ efflux increased with the increment of SO2 amount absorbed by the leaves. When the leaves were sprayed with ABA solution, the higher the ABA solution concentration was, the lower the K+ efflux was. When leaves sprayed with ABA solution were smoked with 2.5 mol·L-1 for four hours, the infiltration of leaves with 30 mol·L-1 ABA solution dropped 1.5~3 and K+ concentration decreased 36.5%~54.8% on leaves. It indicates that the ABA solution on leaves has remarkable effect of protection of SO2 injury.
    Influence of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on photosynthesis and leaf nitrogen partition in process of photosynthetic carbon cycle in Musa paradisiaca
    SUN Guchou, ZHAO Ping, ZENG Xiaoping, PENG Shaolin
    2001, (3):  429-434. 
    Asbtract ( 981 )   PDF (1068KB) ( 397 )  
    The photosynthetic rate (Pn) in leaves of Musa paradisiaca grown under elevated CO2 concentration (700±56μl·L-1 ) for one week was 5.14±0 32μmol·m-2 ·s-1,22.1% higher than that under ambient CO2 concentration,while under elevated CO2 concentration for 8 week,the Pn decreased by 18.1%.It can be inferred that the photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 concentration and the Pn inhibition occurred in leaves of M.paradisiaca.The respiration rate in light (Rd) was lower in leaves under higher CO2 concentration,compared with that under ambient CO2 concentration.If the respiration in light was not included,the difference in CO2 compensation point for the leaves of both plants was not significant.Under higher CO2 concentration for 8 weeks,the maximum carboxylation rate(Vcmax)and electron transportation rate (J) in leaves decreased respectively by 30.5% and 14.8%,compared with that under ambient CO2 concentration.The calculated apparent quantum yield (α) in leaves under elevated CO2 concentration according to the initial slope of Pn/PAR was reduced to 0.014±0.010 molCO2·mol-1 quanta,compared with the value of 0.025±0.005molCO2·mol-1 quanta in the control.The efficiency of light energy conversion also decreased from 0.203 to 0.136 electrons·quanta-1 in plants under elevated CO2 concentration.A lower partitioning coefficient for leaf nitrogen in Rubisco,bioenergetics and thylakoid light harvesting components was observed in plants under higher CO2 concentration.The results indicated that the multi process of photosynthesis was suppressed significantly by a long term(8 weeks) higher CO2 concentration incubation.
    Chelate-induced phytoextraction of copper contaminated upland red soil
    WU Longhua, LUO Yongming, HUANG Huanzhong
    2001, (3):  435-438. 
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    A copper spiked red soil was used in pot experiment to study the effects of EDTA and low molecule weight organic acids on Cu speciation in soil,and Cu uptake by Brassica juncea.The results showed that the mobility of Cu in soil was improved obviously when EDTA was added at the vigorous growth stage.Both water extractable and exchangeable Cu concentration increased significantly following EDTA addition.Citric acid and malic acid only had an effect on water extractable Cu,and no effect on Cu uptake by the plant.EDTA significantly increased the concentration of Cu in plant leaves and roots,and the Cu uptake by Brassica juncea.All of these indicated the chelate induced phytoextraction.
    Preliminary study on anaerobic bioremediation process for pentachlorophenol (PCP)-contaminated soil
    XU Xiangyang, FENG Xiaoshan
    2001, (3):  439-442. 
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    The performances of soil slurry process with supplement of anaerobic granular sludge for remediating PCP contaminated soil was investigated.The results showed that inherent anaerobic microbes in soil exhibited a little dechlorinating activity for simulative contaminated soil with 30mg穔g-1 of PCP,the average PCP degradation rates within 28 d was 0.258 mg穔g-1-1.In soil slurry processes with 5 g穔g-1 granular sludge at aerobic,aerobic /anaerobic and anaerobic operation,the average PCP degradation rates within 28 d were 0.269,0.291/0.842 and 0.892mg穔g-1-1,respectively. PCP degradation rates were increased with increasing the amounts of anaerobic granular sludge,0.834, 0.843,0.928mg穔g-1-1 of the average PCP degradation rates within 35 d were achieved in soil slurry processes supplemented with 5,10,25 g穔g-1 of granular sludge,respectively.This bioremediation process also presented higher initial PCP degradation rate for higher concentration(60mg穔g-1 ) of PCP in soil.
    Photobacterium phosphoreum assay on the toxicity of soil contaminated by heavy metals
    LI Bin, LI Peijun, WANG Jing, YANG Guifen, ZHANG Hairong
    2001, (3):  443-446. 
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    The toxicity of soil artificially contaminated by heavy metals was assessed with Photobacterium phosphoreum.The results showed that the duration of optimum balance was 24 hours, and that of optimum extraction was 2 hours. Two leaching methods were compared, and data showed that optimum leaching solvent was hydrocarbon chloride with a concentration of 0.1mol稬-1 HCL. Dose response curve indicated that the content of heavy metals was positively related with the toxicity of soil. The general detection limit given by EC 50 of soil contaminated by single heavy metal were Cd 26.12 mg穔g-1, Cu 291.48 mg穔g-1,Zn 72.46 mg穔g-1 and Pb 2174.93 mg穔g-1. This study also indicated the toxicity of complex heavy metals pollution in soil was stronger than that of individual element. The research could provide a theoretic base for the remediation of soil contaminated by heavy metals.
    Co-metabolic degradation of pyrene in soil
    GONG Zongqiang, LI Peijun, WANG Xin, ZHANG Hairong, SONG Yufang, LI Bin
    2001, (3):  447-450. 
    Asbtract ( 990 )   PDF (586KB) ( 539 )  
    High molecular weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are always degraded by means of co metabolism.This study compared the degradation process of pyrene as sole source of carbon and energy and co metabolic degradation process of pyrene.The degradation rate of pyrene after 25 days in the first process was 57%,while the degradation rate of pyrene in the co metabolic processes were about 80%.The half life of pyrene in the co metabolic process was shorter than those in the processes without co metabolism.Salicylic acid,phthalic acid,sodium succinate could serve as co metabolic substrate to enhance the degradation rate of pyrene,and sodium succinate has the best effect.There was co metabolic relationship between pyrene and phenanthrene which was a kind of low molecular weight PAHs,phenanthrene accelerated the degradation of pyrene,while naphthalene didn’t.The principle of the co metabolism and the optimal material used as co metabolic substrate were demonstrated in this paper.
    Transportation and transformation of 14C-phenanthrene in closed chamber (nutrient solution-lava-plant-air) system
    JIANG Xia, OU Ziqing, YING Peifeng, Ayfer Yediler, Antonious Ketrrup
    2001, (3):  451-454. 
    Asbtract ( 889 )   PDF (248KB) ( 302 )  
    The transportation and transformation of 14C phenanthrene in a closed ‘plant lava nutrient solution air' chamber system was studied by using radioactivity technology. The results showed that in this closed chamber system,phenanthrene was degraded fast.The radioactivity of 14C left at 23d in the nutrient solution was only 25% of applied.At the end of experiment (46d),the distribution sequence of 14C activity in the components of closed chamber system was root (38.55%)>volatile organic compounds (VOCs, 17.68%)>lava (14.35%)>CO2(11.42%)> stem (2%). 14C activities in plant tissue were combined with the tissue,and existed in the forms of lava bound(root 4.68%; stem and leaves 0.68%) and polar metabolites (root 23.14%; stem 0.78%).
    Physiology and development of two Roegneria kamoji populations stressed by copper
    LIU Dengyi, YANG Shiyong, XIE Jianchun, ZHAO Juan
    2001, (3):  455-457. 
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    Roegneria kamoji grown copper tailings had weak stem,short height,and thick leave color,while its counterpart on normal soil was the opposite.Exposed to copper,R.kamoji had a decreased chlorophyll content.A certain concentration of copper could promote the seed germination of R.kamoji,and the extract of copper tailings did not decrease the seed germination rate,but deferred the germination.Root growth test indicated that when the concentration of copper was 0.125mg稬-1,the rooting of R.kamoji was promoted.If the concentration was more than 0.25mg稬-1,the rooting was inhibited significantly.R.kamoji colonized on normal soil wase more sensitive to copper than that on Cu polluted soil.
    Identification of key toxicants in a bleaching effluenta case study
    YU Hongxia, CHENG Jing, JIN Hongjun
    2001, (3):  458-460. 
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    The toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) was conducted with a toxic bleaching effluent to identify its toxic components. Toxicity characterisation procedures (phase Ⅰ) indicated that the primary toxicants in the effluent were volatile,and could be reduced by sodium thiosulfate. Toxicity based fractionation techniques (phase Ⅱ) were conducted,and the oxidation organic chloridates were found not to be the major toxicants.Deletion approach of phase Ⅲ confirmed that the toxicity decreased with the decrease of free and total residual chlorine concentrations,indicating that Cl2, HClO and ClO were identified as primary toxicants in the effluent.
    Chemical defense of plant to mammalian herbivore
    LI Junnian, LIU Jike
    2001, (3):  461-464. 
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    The research progress in the chemical defense of plant to mammalian herbivore was reviewed in this paper.The plant secondary compounds mainly are phenolics, terpenoids and nitrogen containing compounds. The defense efficiency of plant to mammalian herbivores is different with the types and content of secondary compounds in plant. Secondary compounds inhibited the foraging of mammalian herbivores by affecting the intake, digestion, metabolites and reproduction of animal. It is the main trends to study the mode of coevolution of plant and animals mediated by plant secondary compounds.
    Soil macropore and its studying methodology
    LIU Wei, OU Ziqing, YING Peifeng
    2001, (3):  465-468. 
    Asbtract ( 824 )   PDF (604KB) ( 499 )  
    This paper discusses the definition, size, types, formation of soil macropores.Soil macropore (>0.03mm) is the pore space that provides preferential paths of flow. The shape of macropore varies from crack or fissure, through to cylindrical pipe. Macropore is formed in main ways:by plant roots and soil fauna; wet dry and freeze thaw cycles; chemical weathering. The studying method of macropore divided into direct measurement and indirect description, which suitability and limitation are also reviewed.
    New advances in research of combined pollution
    ZHENG Zhenhua, ZHOU Peijiang, WU Zhenbin
    2001, (3):  469-473. 
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    Combined pollution has become one of the important directions of environmental science at present. In this paper, new advances of studies on combined pollution were summarized. The studies of inorganic combined pollution, inorganic organic combined pollution and organic combined pollution were reviewed. The mechanisms of combined pollution were approached from chemistry, physiology, enzymology, cytology and molecular biology. Then some problems and developing aspects on the research of combined pollution were put forward.
    Analysis on landscape ecology literatures in China during recent ten years
    CAO Yu, XIAO Duning, ZHAO Yi, LI Xiuzhen, WANG Lianping
    2001, (3):  474-477. 
    Asbtract ( 1086 )   PDF (423KB) ( 729 )  
    Landscape ecology has achieved great progress since its introduction to China in early 1980s. Based on 619 collections of literatures and 14 collections of books, this paper has all the literatures and books classified, arranged in order and counted on different special subject. According to the results of classified statistics, the authors discuss and analyze how landscape ecology research was going in China during 1990s. Moreover, this paper can also provide scientific basis for those who want to grasp and keep abreast of current focus and trend of landscape ecology in China.
    Effect of boron fertilization on B uptake and utilization by oilseed rape(Brassica napus L) under different soil moisture regimes
    LOU Yunsheng, YANG Yuai, XU Jianmin
    2001, (3):  478-480. 
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    Pot experiment was conducted in greenhouse to determine the effect of boron fertilization on B uptake and utilization by oilseed rape at seedling stage as influenced by soil moisture regime.The results showed that B concentration in shoot and root increased with the increase of soil water content and B fertilization level,while its utilization efficiency(BUE) and mobilization index(BMI) increased with the decrease of soil water content and B application level.Differences in BUE and BMI of test oilseed rape cultivars were significant,i.e.,V 1 showed higher BUE and BMI than V 4 under the same conditions.It is concluded that BUE and B mobility in plant were the major factors responsible for the differences in response of different oilseed rape cultivars to B deficiency.