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    18 November 2017, Volume 28 Issue 11
    Response of radial growth of Pinus koraiensis and Picea jezoensis to climate change in Xiao-xing’anling Mountains, Northeast China
    YU Jian, LIU Qi-jing, ZHOU Guang, MENG Sheng-wang, ZHOU Hua, XU Zhen-zhao, SHI Jing-ning, DU Wen-xian
    2017, 28(11):  3451-3460.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.008
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    Based on dendrochronological methods, we established residual chronologies of Pinus koraiensis and Picea jezoensis, with the dominant species of broadleaved Korean pine mixed forest at low altitudes chosen as the research object, to identify the key climatic factors affecting the radial growth of the two species in Xiaoxing’anling Mountains, Northeast China. The results showed that the responses of the two species to climate factors were different, and P. koraiensis was more sensitive, and hence more suitable for dendroclimatological analysis. Response function coefficients indicated that the radial growth of P. koraiensis negatively correlated with June mean temperature of current year, while positively correlated with precipitation in June of current year. There was no significant correlation between P. jezoensis and all climate variables. Spatial correlation analysis revealed that variations in chronology of P. koraiensis contained strong regional signals, and the highest correlation occurred in the vicinity of the study area. Warming caused drought stress, which was the main factor that limited the growth of P. koraiensis, and it might have adverse effects on the Korean pine if global temperature continues to increase. The coupling effects of large-scale atmospheric-oceanic variability may affect the radial growth of P. koraiensis in Xiaoxing’anling Mountains.
    Fine root morphology and chemistry characteristics in different branch orders of Castanopsis platyacantha and their responses to nitrogen addition
    CHEN Guan-tao, ZHENG Jun, PENG Tian-chi, LI Shun, QIU Xi-rong, CHEN Yu-qin, MA Hao-yu, TU Li-hua
    2017, 28(11):  3461-3468.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.004
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    Fine root morphology and chemistry characteristics of dominant species Castanopsis platya-cantha in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in subtropical China and their response to nitrogen (N) addition were determined in order 1st to 5th. With the increase of root order, C. platyacantha root diameter, tissue density (RTD), and K content increased, and specific root length (SRL), speci-fic surface area (SRA) and contents of N, P and Mg decreased. Nitrogen addition significant increased N content and decreased Mg content and C/N of fine roots. Root tissue Ca content had a decrease trend under N addition treatments. There were neither significant effects on the contents of C, P, K, Na, Al, Mn, Fe of fine roots, nor on fine root diameter, SRL, SRA and RTD. Root P content had a significant liner relationship with root morphology in the all treatments. Nitrogen addition changed the linear relationships between tissue Mg content and root morphology from no significant relationship to significant relationship, and linear relationships between tissue N content and root morphology from significant relationship to no significant relationship. N addition would affect the root tissue nutrient contents and could enhance P and Mg requirement of plants.
    Sap flux density in response to rainfall pulses for Pinus tabuliformis and Hippophae rhamnoides from mixed plantation in hilly Loess Plateau
    LU Sen-bao, CHEN Yun-ming, TANG Ya-kun, WU Xu, WEN Jie
    2017, 28(11):  3469-3478.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.013
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    Thermal dissipation probe (TDP) was used to continuously measure the sap flux density (Fd) of Pinus tabuliformis and Hippophae rhamnoides individuals in hilly Loess Plateau, from June to October 2015, and the environmental factors, i.e., photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), water vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and soil water content (SWC), were simultaneously monitored to clarify the difference of rainfall utilization between the two tree species in a mixed plantation. Using the methods of a Threshold-delay model, stepwise multiple regression analyses, and partial correlation analyses, this paper studied the process of Fd in these two species in response to the rainfall pulses and then determined the effects of environmental factors on Fd. The results showed that, with the increase of rainfall, the response percentages of Fd in both P. tabuliformis and H. rhamnoides increased at first but then decreased; specifically, in the range of 0-1 mm rainfall, the Fd of P. tabuliformis (-16.3%) and H. rhamnoides (-6.3%) clearly decreased; in the range of 1-5 mm rainfall, the Fd of P. tabuliformis decreased (-0.4%), whereas that of H. rhamnoides significantly increased (9.0%). The lower rainfall thresholds (RL) of Fd for P. tabuliformis and H. rhamnoides were 6.4 and 1.9 mm, respectively, with a corresponding time-lag (τ) of 1.96 and 1.67 days. In the pre-rainfall period, the peak time of Fd of P. tabuliformis converged upon 12:00-12:30 (70%), while the Fd of H. rhamnoides peaked twice, between 10:30 and 12:00 (48%) and again between 16:00 and 16:30 (30%). In the post-rainfall period, the peak time of Fd of P. tabuliformis converged upon 11:00-13:00 (40%), while that of H. rhamnoides peaked twice, between 12:00 and 13:00 (52%) and again between 16:30 and 17:00 (24%). Among the environmental factors, the rank order of factors associated with the Fd of both P. tabuliformis and H. rhamnoides was PAR>VPD, before rainfall. However, the rank order of factors influencing the Fd of P. tabuliformis was PAR>VPD>0-20 cm SWC (SWC0-20), whereas this order was different for H. rhamnoides: SWC0-20 >PAR >VPD, after rainfall. This mixed plantation of P. tabuliformis and H. rhamnoides trees had a high stability of water utilization.
    Effects of elevated ozone concentrations on reactive oxygen metabolism and related gene expression in Ginkgo biloba leaves
    RUAN Ya-nan, XU Sheng, GUO Long, ZHU Ming-zhu, WANG Cong, LI Shu-yuan, WANG Hong-yan
    2017, 28(11):  3479-3486.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.020
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    By using the open top chambers (OTCs) fumigation method, this paper investigated the changes of foliar injury, level of reactive oxygen species (ROS), activities and gene expression of antioxidant enzymes in Ginkgo biloba leaves under different ozone (ambient ozone≈40, 80, 160, 200 nmol·mol-1) concentrations, in order to study the effects of elevated ozone (O3) concentrations on reactive metabolism. The results showed that the obvious foliar injuries were observed in 160 and 200 nmol·mol-1 O3 treatments, while no visible injury was observed in 80 nmol·mol-1 O3 and ambient O3 treatments. After 20 d, a significant increase in O2generation rate was observed in G. biloba leaves exposed to 160, 200 nmol·mol-1 O3, compared with ambient ozone and 80 nmol·mol-1 O3, and there were no significant differences between ambient O3 and 80 nmol·mol-1 treatments. After 40 d, H2O2 content of G. biloba leaves in 160 and 200 nmol·mol-1 O3 was significantly higher than that in 80 nmol·mol-1 and ambient ozone, respectively. The activities of catalase (CAT) in 160 and 200 nmol·mol-1 treatments were also significantly higher than that in 80 nmol·mol-1 and ambient O3 treatments. The ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity of leaves for each elevated O3 treatment was lower than that of ambient ozone. The level of CAT and APX expression increased progressively after 40 d O3 treatment. The expression intensity of GbD was conspicuously strengthened along with the increase of ozone concentration and fumigation time. Le-vel of reactive oxygen increased, activities of antioxidant enzyme decreased, level of gene expression down-regulated, and foliar visible injury was observed in leaves of G. biloba in elevated ozone stress.
    Spatial point pattern analysis of main trees and flowering Fargesia qinlingensis in Abies fargesii forests in Mt Taibai of the Qinling Mountains, China
    LI Guo-chun, SONG Hua-dong, LI Qi, BU Shu-hai
    2017, 28(11):  3487-3493.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.003
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    In Abies fargesii forests of the giant panda’s habitats in Mt. Taibai, the spatial distribution patterns and interspecific associations of main tree species and their spatial associations with the understory flowering Fargesia qinlingensis were analyzed at multiple scales by univariate and bivaria-te O-ring function in point pattern analysis. The results showed that in the A. fargesii forest, the number of A. fargesii was largest but its population structure was in decline. The population of Betula platyphylla was relatively young, with a stable population structure, while the population of B. albo-sinensis declined. The three populations showed aggregated distributions at small scales and gradually showed random distributions with increasing spatial scales. Spatial associations among tree species were mainly showed at small scales and gradually became not spatially associated with increasing scale. A. fargesii and B. platyphylla were positively associated with flowering F. qinlingensis at large and medium scales, whereas B. albo-sinensis showed negatively associated with flowering F. qinlingensis at large and medium scales. The interaction between trees and F. qinlingensis in the habitats of giant panda promoted the dynamic succession and development of forests, which changed the environment of giant panda’s habitats in Qinling.
    Niche of main populations and environmental interpretation in grassland of Loess Plateau hilly region, China
    WU Hui-feng, SONG Li-juan, DU Feng, HAO Wen-fang
    2017, 28(11):  3494-3504.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.005
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    Focused on different rehabilitation ages grassland in Wuqi County in loess hilly region, the present study aimed to explore niche characteristics of populations and their influence factors. The results showed that the dominant species were Artemisia sacrorum, A. leucophylla, A. scoparia, Lespedeza daurica and Poa sphondylodes, and the dominant species varied along with the rehabilitation age. The niche breadth of dominant populations increased with increasing rehabilitation age from 5 to 10 years, indicating enhanced adaptability to the environment. The niche breadth indices of the populations decreased from 10 to 20 years, and then increased from 20 to 25 years. After 25 years, the niche breadth of the grassland narrowed gradually, indicating weakened adaptability. The niche breadth indices of most populations peaked at 10 and 25 years, respectively. There was no li-near relationship between synthetic dominance index and niche breadth in different grass communities. With the increasing rehabilitation age, the niche overlap indices were highest at 15 years with a single hump pattern, indicating that the interspecific competition increased to the highest at 15 years and then decreased. It was shown that attitude, soil water content (SWC) and soil organic matter content (SOM) were the main factors affecting the niche breadth, while soil total nitrogen content (STN), attitude and SWC were the main factors affecting the niche overlap. There was no linear relationship between niche breadth and niche overlap of tested species in different rehabilitation ages due to resource spatial heterogeneity and growth stages of grass species. These findings indicated that with the increasing rehabilitation age, the population adaptability to the environment are generally enhanced and the resource competition among populations increases and then decreases. It was concluded that attitude, SWC and STN were the key environmental factors that affect population adaptability and interspecific relationship in natural grassland of loess hilly region.
    Effects of micro-fertilizers foliar spray on the content of main effective components of Angelica dahurica
    ZHANG Ya-qin, YANG Zheng-ming, SHI Feng, DOU Ming-ming, MA Liu-hui, CHEN Yu, LEI Fei-yi, CHEN Xing-fu
    2017, 28(11):  3505-3514.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.001
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    The zinc, boron and molybdenum were sprayed on the foliage of Angelica dahurica du-ring the vigorous growth period to explore the effects of the combination of zinc, boron and molybdenum fertilizers on the content of main effective components of A. dahurica, and to find out the optimum spraying amount. The results showed that the application of zinc, boron and molybdenum foliar spray was beneficial to increase the content of imperatorin and total cumarin, whereas had no effect on the content of the isoimperatorin. The effect of boron spray on the accumulation of imperatorin and total coumarin was the most significant, followed by the zinc and molybdenum. The interaction between boron and molybdenum had a negative cooperative effect on the content of imperatorin, while the interaction between zinc and molybdenum had a positivecooperative effect on the content of total coumarin. The contents of total coumarin reached over 0.7% respectively, with the complex fertilizer spray of zinc at 0.15-0.24 kg·hm-2, boron at 2.02-2.36 kg·hm-2 and molybdenum at 0.08-0.13 kg·hm-2. The contents of imperatorin reached over 0.2% respectively, with the complex fertilizer spray of zinc at 0.15-0.20 kg·hm-2, boron at 1.37-1.47 kg·hm-2 and molybdenum at 0.09-0.13 kg·hm-2. It was concluded that the application of zinc, boron and molybdenum foliar spray was beneficial to promote the quality of A. dahurica by enhancing its accumulation of coumarin.
    Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on photosynthetic physiology and chloroplast ultrastructure of Phragmites australis
    CHU Run, CHEN Nian-lai
    2017, 28(11):  3515-3520.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.006
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    The effects of different intensities of UV-B radiation on photosynthetic characteristics, photosynthetic pigment content and chloroplast ultrastructure of Phragmites australis were studied in this paper. The results showed that enhanced UV-B radiation significantly reduced the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate, and the degree of degradation increased with the increasing irradiation intensity. The intercellular CO2 content increased and the photosynthetic efficiency decreased significantly compared with the control. Enhanced UV-B radiation decreased photosynthetic pigment contents, including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid, and the decrement increased with the increasing irradiation intensity. Under the enhanced UV-B radiation treatment, chloroplast structure was damaged, and thylakoid lamellae was disorde-red, swelling and even blurred. The effect of high intensity of radiation on chloroplast ultrastructure was greater than that of lower intensity of radiation.
    Dynamics of and relationship between fat accumulation and enzyme activities of precocious walnut
    ZHAO Shuang, LIU Yang, LI Han, CHEN Yi-lan, LI Bao-guo, QI Guo-hui, ZHANG Xue-mei
    2017, 28(11):  3521-3526.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.007
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    Two precocious walnut varieties, Lvling and Lvzao were used as materials in this study, the kernel fat contents and 3 related enzyme activities in different development periods after flowe-ring 50 days were analyzed. The key enzymes affecting walnut fat in different periods were illumina-ted. The results showed that the kernel fat accumulation trends of the two varieties were basically the same. The kernel began to solidify 50 days after flowering, and the increase in kernel fat content was rapid 60-90 days after flowering, slowed down 90-120 days after flowering, and stopped 120-130 days after flowering. The Logistic model was used to fit the fat accumulation (P<0.01). Fat content rapid accumulation period was 57.8-85.8 days after flowering for Lvling, and 67.4-92.1 days after flowering for Lvzao. The activities of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase), 6-phosphate dextrose dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and pyruvate kinase (PK) increased from 50 to 100 days after flowering, and then the activities of enzymes began to decrease. The kernel fat content was positively correlated with the activity of ACCase. The kernel fat accumulation rate was positively correlated with PK enzyme activity. The correlation between fat content and enzyme activity was different at different development stages. The 50-100 days after flowering was the exuberant period of walnut kernel fat synthesis, and at this time the fat content could be improved by strengthening the field cultivation management measures. At the early stage of the walnut fat synthesis, G6PDH was the major enzyme to affect fat content, and PK activity influenced the formation of pyruvic acid, so as to indirectly affect the synthesis of fat. ACCase activity affected the final fat content and ACCase played an important regulating role in every period of fat synthesis. It was speculated that ACCase might be a key enzyme to affect the fat synthesis of walnut kernel.
    Effects of selenium valence states and application concentrations on plant growth, ascorbate-glutathione cycle in Citrus junos cv. Ziyang Xiangcheng
    SUN Xie-ping, LUO You-jin, ZHOU Guang-wen, YI Hong-wei, CHEN Yuan-ping, WU Zheng, XIE Yong-hong
    2017, 28(11):  3527-3534.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.023
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    Potted Citrus. junos cv. Ziyang Xiangcheng seedlings were used to study the effects of selenium (Se) valence states (Se6+ and Se4+) on plant growth and antioxidants and antixodases in ascorbate(AsA)-glutathione (GSH) cycle. The results showed that Se6+ and Se4+ (from 1.0 mg·L-1 to 8.0 mg·L-1) stimulated the seedling growth by increasing plant height, leaf areas, and fresh or dry mass. Applying Se6+significantly increased plant Se levels mainly in leaf, and applying Se4+ slightly increased Se content mainly in root. Certain valence states and concentrations of Se increased leaf chlorophyll and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content. Se6+≤2.0 mg·L-1 treatments enhanced the activates of glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and the contents of GSH and oxidized glutathione (GSSG), while Se6+≥4.0 mg·L-1 treatments reduced the antioxidant contents and antixodase activities of GSH cycle. Moreover, Se4+≤ 2.0 mg·L-1 treatments increased the activities of dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and resulted in higher AsA/[AsA+dehydroascorbic acid (DHA)] ratio. When Se4+≥4.0 mg·L -1, the antioxidant contents and antixodase activities of GSH cycle were increased. Together, this study showed that different valence states and application concentrations of Se showed different influences on AsA-GSH cycle in citrus, and 2.0 mg·L-1 Se6+ and 4.0 mg·L-1 Se4+ were the best concentrations for plant growth.
    Effects of light quality on leaf senescence and endogenous hormones content in grapevine under protected cultivation
    WANG Hai-bo, WANG Shuai, WANG Xiao-di, SHI Xiang-bin, WANG Bao-liang, ZHENG Xiao-cui, WANG Zhi-qiang, LIU Feng-zhi
    2017, 28(11):  3535-3543.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.009
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    Two grape varieties ‘Italia’ and ‘Centenial seedless’ cultured in protected and delayed cultivation were used as experimental materials to study the effects of red and blue light quality on chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate, and endogenous hormone content during leaf senescence. The results showed that the chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate of the grapes were significantly enhanced in the red light treatment. Although the content of endogenous GA3 was decreased, an increase in abscisic acid (ABA) content and a decrease of total content of zeaxanthin (ZR) were obviously slowed, which led to the significant increase in value of (GA3+ZR)/ABA, delaying leaf senescence. In prophase of leaf senescence, the chlorophyll contents, net photosynthetic rate and (GA3+ZR)/ABA of the grapes were lower in the blue light treatment than those in the control, and the leaf senescence in the blue light treatment was accelerated. At late stage of leaf senescence, the chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate and (GA3+ZR)/ABA in the blue light treatment were gradually higher than those in the control, and the leaf senescence was delayed to a certain extent. The plant endogenous hormone auxin (IAA) promoted leaf growth and development in prophase of leaf senescence and accelerated leaf aging in late stage of leaf senescence. The leaf senescence rate of ‘Italia’ was slower than that of ‘Centenial seedless’. In conclusion, our experiment suggested that red light was the best on delaying leaf senescence and prolonging the functional period of leaves.
    Spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture of mountain apple orchards with rainwater collection and infiltration (RWCI) system in the Loess Plateau, China
    SONG Xiao-lin, ZHAO Xi-ning, GAO Xiao-dong, WU Pu-te, MA Wen, YAO Jie, JIANG Xiao-li, ZHANG Wei
    2017, 28(11):  3544-3552.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.028
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    Water scarcity is a critical factor influencing rain-fed agricultural production on the Loess Plateau, and the exploitation of rainwater is an effective avenue to alleviate water scarcity in this area. This study was conducted to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of soil moisture in the 0-300 cm under a 21-year-old apple orchard with the rainwater collection and infiltration (RWCI) system by using a time domain reflectometer (TDR) probe on the Loess Plateau. The results showed that there was a low soil moisture zone in the 40-80 cm under the CK, and the RWCI system significantly increased soil moisture in this depth interval. Over this depth, the annual average soil moisture under RWCI40, RWCI60 and RWCI80 was 39.2%, 47.2% and 29.1% higher than that of bare slope (BS) and 75.3%, 85.4% and 62.7% higher than that of CK, respectively. The maximum infiltration depth of water under RWCI40, RWCI60 and RWCI80 was 80 cm, 120 cm and 180 cm, respectively, and the soil moisture in the 0-60, 0-100 and 0-120 cm was more affected by RWCI40, RWCI60 and RWCI80, respectively. Over the whole growth period of apple tree, the maximum value of soil moisture content in the 0-300 cm existed in the RWCI80 treatment, followed by the RWCI40 and RWCI60 treatments. Overall, the RWCI system is an effective meaning of transforming rainwater to available water resources and realizing efficient use of agricultural water on the Loess Plateau.
    Effects of moss-dominated biological soil crusts on soil enzyme activities in water-wind erosion crisscross region on the Loess Plateau of China
    WANG Yan-feng, XIAO Bo, WANG Bing, MA Shuang, YAO Xiao-meng
    2017, 28(11):  3553-3561.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.002
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    The 30-year-old biological soil crusts dominated by mosses (hereafter moss crusts) and corresponding uncrusted soil (hereafter no crust) were sampled on loess soil and aeolian soil at 0-12 cm depth on the Loess Plateau of China. Afterwards, the hydrolase activities of the samples were measured, and their correlations with soil physicochemical properties were analyzed. Compared with no crust, the activities of urease, alkaline phosphatase, invertase, and protease of the moss crusts were 2.4, 7.6, 20.7, 2.4 times higher on loess soil, respectively; while they were 3.5, 22.2, 22.3, 2.0 times higher on aeolian soil, respectively. Compared with no crust, the soil water content of the moss crusts was decreased by 6.5% and 0.8% on loess soil and aeolian soil, and the soil temperature of the moss crusts was decreased by 0.8 and 2.5 ℃, respectively; the contents of soil organic matter, alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen, and available phosphorus of the moss crusts were 2.5, 2.9 and 3.6 times higher on the loess soil, and they were 3.6, 3.0 and 6.6 times higher on the aeolian soil, respectively. The soil hydrolase activities were positively correlated with the soil nutrient content and negatively correlated with the soil water content. Soil temperature was positively correlated with the urease activity and negatively correlated with the protease activity. The moss crusts significantly improved soil nutrients and fertility through increasing soil enzyme activities on the Loess Plateau of China, and these effects were reasonably attributed to the moderate soil water content and temperature regulated by the moss crusts.
    Effects of spraying P and K fertilizers during panicle primordium differentiation stage on cold resistance, yield and physiological characteristics of early rice
    CAO Na, CHEN Xiao-rong, HE Hao-hua, ZHU Chang-lan, CAI Shuo, XU Tao, XIE Heng-wang, LIU Fang-ping
    2017, 28(11):  3562-3570.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.030
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    Super hybrid early rice variety Ganxin 203 was used as test material, and four foliar spraying treatments were set using clear water as the control group (CK), and 3 concentrations of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) with 0.1% (P1), 0.3% (P3), 0.5% (P5) and po-tash (MH). The effects of spraying P and K fertilizers on the leaf temperature, yield and physiolo-gical characteristics in double-season early rice under low temperature conditions during panicle primordium differentiation stage were studied. The results showed that during the low temperature period 6:00-18:00, rice leaf temperature under the different treatments with potassium dihydrogen phosphate and potash was higher than that of CK. Leaf chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of rice plants decreased gradually with the treatments under low temperature, while the reduction range was the smallest in treatment P3. The activities of the antioxidative enzymes varied to different extents, and the increase range for the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) in treatment P3 were higher than those in the other treatments. The decrease range of the activity catalase (CAT) in treatment P3 was lower than that in the other treatments. At the end of low temperature treatment, malondialdehyde (MDA) content was the highest in CK. Under low temperature, foliar spraying of potassium dihydrogen phosphate or potash could improve dry matter accumulation to varying degrees and achieve the purpose of slowing down the yield decrease, among which treatment P3 was the best. It could be found from the yield components that the total grains per panicle, seed setting rate and 1000-grain mass were significantly improved for all treatments compared to CK. The application of foliar spraying of 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was the most effective agronomic measure to enhance the resistance to low temperature during panicle primordium differentiation stage for double-season super hybrid early rice.
    Response of indica rice spikelet differentiation and degeneration to air temperature and solar radiation of different sowing dates
    WANG Ya-liang, ZHANG Yu-ping, XIANG Jing, WANG Lei, CHEN Hui-zhe, ZHANG Yi-kai, ZHANG Wen-qian, ZHU De-feng
    2017, 28(11):  3571-3580.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.010
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    In this study, three rice varieties, including three-line hybrid indica rice Wuyou308 and Tianyouhuazhan, and inbred indica rice Huanghuazhan were used to investigate the effects of air temperature and solar radiation on rice growth duration and spikelet differentiation and degeneration. Ten sowing-date treatments were conducted in this field experiment. The results showed that the growth duration of three indica rice varieties were more sensitive to air temperature than to day-length. With average temperature increase of 1 ℃, panicle initiation advanced 1.5 days, but the panicle growth duration had no significant correlation with the temperature and day-length. The number of spikelets and differentiated spikelets revealed significant differences among different sowing dates. Increases in average temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, effective accumulated temperature, temperature gap and the solar radiation benefited dry matter accumulation and spikelet differentiation of all varieties. With increases of effective accumulated temperature, diurnal temperature gap and solar radiation by 50 ℃, 1 ℃, 50 MJ·m-2 during panicle initiation stage, the number of differentiated spikelets increased 10.5, 14.3, 17.1 respectively. The rate of degenerated spikelets had a quadratic correlation with air temperature, extreme high and low temperature aggravated spikelets degeneration, and low temperature stress made worse effect than high temperature stress. The rate of spikelet degeneration dramatically rose with the temperature falling below the critical temperature, the critical effective accumulated temperature, daily average temperature, daily maximum temperature and minimum temperature during panicle initiation were 550-600 ℃, 24.0-26.0 ℃, 32.0-34.0 ℃, 21.0-23.0 ℃, respectively. In practice, the natural condition of appropriate high temperature, large diurnal temperature gap and strong solar radiation were conducive to spikelet differentiation, and hindered the spikelet degeneration.
    Effect of long-term application of NPK fertilizer on maize yield and yellow soil nutrients sustainability in Guizhou, China
    LIU Yan-ling, LI Yu, ZHANG Ya-rong, HUANG Xing-cheng, ZHANG Wen-an, JIANG Tai-ming
    2017, 28(11):  3581-3588.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.026
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    A long-term fertilization field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) fertilizer on maize relative yield, yield-increasing effect and the changes of nutrients in yellow soil in Guizhou Province. Five fertilizer combinations were evaluated, including balanced fertilization (NPK) and nutrient deficiency treatments (N, NK, NP, and PK). The maize relative yield, contribution efficiency of N, P, K fertilizer application, sustainability index of soil N, P, K nutrients, and other indicators were measured. The results revealed that the balanced fertilization (NPK) significantly increased maize yield, and the average yield under each treatment ranked as: NPK>NP>NK>PK>CK. The contribution efficiency and agronomic efficiency of N, P, K fertilizer application was N>P>K. The fertilization dependence was ranked as: combined application of N, P and K>N>P>K. But in the lack of P treatment (NK), the maize relative yield significantly decreased at a speed of 1.4% per year, with the contribution efficiency and fertilization dependence of applied P significantly increasing at a speed of 2.3% per year and 1.4% per year, respectively. Over time, the effect of P fertilizer on maize yield gradually became equal to that of N fertilizer. The pH and soil organic matter content were the lowest in the P-lack treatment (NK), while they were higher in the N-lack treatment (PK). The application of chemical P significantly improved the sustainability index of soil P, but the application of chemical N and K did not significantly change the sustainability index of soil N and K nutrients compared to the N- and K-lack treatments, respectively. In summary, the use of balanced fertilizer application is critical for achieving high maize yield in typical yellow soil regions in Guizhou Province. P and N fertilizers are equally important for improving maize yield, and long-term application of unbalanced chemical fertilizer, especially the lack of P, would not benefit the sustainable use of nutrients in yellow soil.
    Soil Olsen-P content changing trend and its relationship with phosphorus surplus and crop yield under long-term fertilization in loessial soil region on the Loess Plateau, China
    E Sheng-zhe, YANG Zhi-qi, ZENG Xi-bai, WANG Ya-nan, LUO Zhao-xia, YUAN Jin-hua, CHE Zong-xian
    2017, 28(11):  3589-3598.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.037
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    The changing trend of soil available phosphorus (Olsen-P) content in soil and its relationship with soil phosphorus surplus and crop yield are fundamental when making appropriate phosphate fertilizer recommendations. In this paper, the influences of long-term fertilization on crops phosphorus uptake, soil phosphorus surplus, changing trend of soil available phosphorus content and relationships of soil available phosphorus content with soil phosphorus surplus and crop yield were investigated through 34 years (1981-2015) long-term trial in loessial soil region on the Loess Plateau. The experiment had a completely-randomized-block split-plot design in triplicate. Two main-plot treatments were no farmyard manure and farmyard manure (M), and four subplot treatments were CK (no fertilizer), N (application of chemical fertilizer N), NP (application of chemical fertilizer NP) and NPK (balanced application of chemical fertilizer NPK), respectively. The results showed that fertilization treatments and crop types significantly influenced uptake amount of phosphorus and soil phosphorus surplus. Averaged over time from 1981 to 2015, wheat mean phosphorus uptake amounts of CK, N, NP, NPK, M, MN, MNP and MNPK were 8.63, 10.64, 16.22, 16.21, 16.25, 17.83, 20.39 and 20.27 kg·hm-2, while rape phosphorus uptakeamounts of eight treatments were 4.40, 8.38, 15.08, 15.71, 10.52, 11.23, 17.96 and 17.66 kg·hm-2, respectively. The surplus amount of soil phosphorus significantly correlated with the amount of phosphorus applied to soil. When soil phosphorus surplus amount equal zero, wheat and rape phosphorus input amounts were 10.47 kg·hm-2 and 6.97 kg·hm-2, respectively. Soil phosphorus surplus amount significantly influenced the changing trend of available phosphorus content in soil. CK and N treatments had no phosphorus input, and soil available phosphorus content exhibited a declining trend, annually decreased by 0.16 mg·kg-1 and 0.15 mg·kg-1, respectively. In contrast, NP, NPK, M, MN, MNP and MNPK six treatments were applied with phosphate fertilizer every years, and available phosphorus content gradually increased along with the duration of trial, with annual increase by 0.02-0.33 mg·kg-1. Soil available phosphorus content significantly correlated with phosphorus accumulative surplus amount, and the linear models were y=0.012x+9.33 and y=0.009x+11.72 in manure and no manure treatments, respectively. In no manure treatments, wheat yields significantly positively correlated with soil available phosphorus content, however, in manure treatments, their relationships did not reach a significant level. The relationship of wheat grain yield with available phosphorus content could be significantly fitted by piecewise linear model, and available phosphorus agronomy threshold of wheat was 14.99 mg·kg-1. Rape grain yield also increased with increasing soil available phosphorus content, but the relationship was not significant. This indicated when soil available P content is higher than 14.99 mg·kg -1, application of phosphate fertili-zer should be reduced or even avoided for planting wheat in loessial soil region on the Loess Plateau.
    Effects of micro-sprinkling hose length and width on wheat field water condition and flag leaf chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics in different sampling districts
    XU Ji-kun, YU Zhen-wen, SHI Yu, ZHAO Jun-ye, WANG Xi-zhi, WANG Yu-qiu
    2017, 28(11):  3599-3609.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.022
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    A two-year field experiment was conducted in 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 wheat growing seasons to study the effects of micro-sprinkling hose length and width on field water condition, and flag leaf chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics in different sampling districts (D1 to D6 along with the hose laying direction). Six micro-sprinkling hose treatments were set: 60 m (T1), 80 m (T2) and 100 m (T3) lengths under 65 mm width; 60 m (T4), 80 m (T5) and 100 m (T6) lengths under 80 mm width. The results showed that after irrigation at jointing, the Christiansen uniformity coefficient (Cu) of T1 was significantly higher than T2 and T3 under 65 mm hose width. Under 80 mm hose width, T4 and T5 had the highest Cu compared to T6. After irrigation at anthesis, the Cu showed T1>T2>T3 under 65 mm hose width, and T4>T5>T6 under 80 mm hose width. Under 65 mm hose width, the average relative soil water content of 0-40 cm soil layers after irrigation at anthesis, flag leaf ΦPSII, NPQ and ETR at 20 and 30 d after anthesis and the grain yield of different sampling district did not differ in T1; T2 showed the order of D1, D2>D3>D4>D5; T3 showed D1, D2>D3>D4>D5, D6. The average ΦPSII, NPQ and ETR at 20 and 30 d after anthesis, and the average dry matter at maturity of different sampling districts were presented as T1>T2, T3. Under 85 mm hose width, no significant differences were observed in the average relative soil water content of 0-40 cm soil layers after irrigation at ahthesis, flag leaf ΦPSII, NPQ and ETR at 20 and 30 d after anthesis and the grain yield of different sampling districts in T4; in T5, the indexes mentioned above in D1, D2 and D3 sampling districts were significantly higher than those in D4 and D5; in T6, the decreasing order was D1, D2, D3>D4>D5>T6. The average ΦPSII, NPQ and ETR at 20 and 30 d after anthesis, and the average dry matter at maturity of different districts showed the order of T4, T5>T6. The ave-rage grain yield and water use efficiency of T1, T4 and T5 were significantly higher than those in T2, T3 and T6, T1 and T4 had a better irrigation benefit than T5. Under this experimental condition, T1 treatment under 65 mm hose width, T4 treatment under 80 mm hose width were the most recommendable treatments considering high yield and water saving, and T5 treatment was also recommendable under 80 mm hose width.
    Changes of wheat seed vigor at different development stages and their response to environmental temperature
    CHEN Lu-lu, SUN Ai-qing, LI Mei-ling, MA Xue-li, TIAN En-yun, CHEN Lei-tai, YANG Min, YIN Yan-ping
    2017, 28(11):  3610-3618.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.025
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    Two wheat cultivars (Jimai 22 and Shannong 23) were selected to investigate the changes of seed vigor at different development stages in different years by standard germination test, and the effect of environmental temperature on it was also analyzed, which would provide a theoretical basis for the utilization of early wheat seeds and the production of high vigor seeds. The results showed that the germination ability of fresh seeds appeared around 26 d after anthesis, and then the germination rate of fresh seeds displayed an overall upward trend with the development of wheat seeds. The germination energy, germination rate and germination index of dry seeds rapidly increased from 5 d to 8 d after anthesis, and then remained relatively stable, while the vigor index increased continually and reached the peak 4-6 days before the end of ripening due to the increase of seedling dry mass. The dry seeds at different developmental stages were also studied by field-plan-ting and the seed vigor of their progenies was also determined. For Jimai 22, the results indicated that the field emergence of dry seeds at 17 d after anthesis was higher and the plant could form grains, there were no significant differences in germination rate and vigor index among different samples of progeny seeds. In addition, the changes of seed vigor at different development stages were significantly affected by the environmental temperature. In the year with the high mean daily average temperature, high mean daily maximum temperature, high mean daily minimum temperature after anthesis, and large mean daily temperature difference after anthesis, the seed development time was shorter, but the 100-grain mass and seed vigor reached the peak earlier; Otherwise, the seed development time was longer, but the accumulated temperature of ripe stage was higher, and the seed vigor was higher.
    Effects of Ca2+ on nitric oxide-induced adventitious rooting in cucumber under drought stress
    LI Chun-lan, NIU Li-juan, HU Lin-li, LIAO Wei-biao, CHEN Yue
    2017, 28(11):  3619-3626.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.021
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    Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ‘Xinchun 4’) was used to explore the relationship between nitric oxide (NO) and calcium (Ca2+) during adventitious rooting under drought stress. Rooting parameters, endogenous Ca2+ fluorescent intensity and the antioxidant enzymes activity (SOD, CAT and APX) in cucumber explants under drought stress were investigated. The results showed that treatment with 200 μmol·L-1 CaCl2 and 0.05% PEG significantly improved the number and length of adventitious root in cucumber explants under drought stress, while the application of Ca2+ chelating agent (EGTA) and channel inhibitor (BAPTA/AM) significantly decreased NO-induced number and length of adventitious root under drought stress. Under drought stress, the fluorescence intensity of Ca2+ in hypocotyls treated with NO and CaCl2 was improved, however, the Ca2+ fluorescence intensity in the hypocotyls treated with NO scavenger (cPTIO) was significantly lower than that in the hypocotyls treated with NO. Under drought stress, the activities of antioxidant enzymes in the cucumber explants were significantly promoted by the treatments with NO and CaCl2, however, Ca2+ chelating agent and channel inhibitor significantly decreased the activity of antioxidant enzymes induced by NO. In conclusion, Ca2+ might be involved in the process of NO-adjusted antioxidant enzymes activity during adventitious rooting under drought stress, which alleviated the negative effects of drought on the adventitious rooting and promoted the formation of adventitious roots.
    Examining the effects of reduced nitrogen fertilization on the yield and fruit quality of greenhouse cultivated cucumber
    WANG Feng, LI Guo-an, WANG Li-li, ZHOU Jin-bo, LOU Yi-ding, YAO Hong-yan
    2017, 28(11):  3627-3633.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.041
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    A long-term fertilizer experiment was conducted to determine the precise effects of nitrogen (N) fertilization on the yield and quality of cucumber, which were grown in greenhouse located in the coastal hilly region of East China. This work included four treatments with varying levels of chemical N application (N1, 800 kg·hm-2, N2, 600 kg·hm-2 and N3, 400 kg·hm-2, CK, no fertilization) plus ON (organic N 400 kg·hm-2). Results showed that a 50% reduction of N fertilization (N3) produced no significant effects on yield, when compared with the local conventional practice (N1). Importantly, fruit nitrate content for cucumbers with N fertilization ranged from 94.2 to 136.1 mg·kg-1, which was acceptable according to the National Food Safety Standard of China. However, when compared with no fertilization control, N fertilization increased nitrate content by 18.1%-44.5%. Chemical N fertilization resulted in a decrease of vitamin C, soluble sugar and soluble protein contents in cucumber, and caused significant temporary changes of soil pH and other chemical and physical properties of the soil. No significant correlations were found between cucumber yields, economic benefit and soil property variables under the excessive use of N fertilizer. It was concluded that N fertilization could be reduced by half with no significant reduction of fruit yield and quality for cucumbers cultivated in greenhouse located in the coastal hilly region of East China.
    Responses of accumulation-loss patterns for soil organic carbon and its fractions to tillage and water erosion in black soil area
    ZHAO Peng-zhi, CHEN Xiang-wei, WANG En-heng
    2017, 28(11):  3634-3642.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.024
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    Tillage and water erosion have been recognized as the main factors causing degradation in soil organic carbon (SOC) pools of black soil. To further explore the response of SOC and its fractions to different driving forces of erosion (tillage and water), geostatistical methods were used to analyze spatial patterns of SOC and its three fractions at a typical sloping farmland based on tillage and water erosion rates calculated by local models. The results showed that tillage erosion and deposition rates changed according to the slope positions, decreasing in the order: upper-slope > lower-slope > middle-slope > toe-slope and toe-slope > lower-slope > middle-slope > upper-slope, respectively; while the order of water erosion rates decreased in the order: lower-slope > toe-slope > middle-slope > upper-slope. Tillage and water erosion cooperatively triggered intense soil loss in the lower-slope areas with steep slope gradient. Tillage erosion could affect C cycling through the whole slope at different levels, although the rate of tillage erosion (0.02-7.02 t·hm-2·a-1) was far less than that of water erosion (5.96-101.17 t·hm-2·a-1) in black soil area. However, water erosion only played a major role in controlling C dynamics in the runoff-concentrated lower slope area. Affected by water erosion and tillage erosion-deposition disturbance, the concentrations of SOC, particulate organic carbon and dissolved organic carbon in depositional areas were higher than in erosional areas, however, microbial biomass carbon showed an opposite trend. Tillage erosion dominated SOC dynamic by depleting particulate organic carbon.
    Effects of drought stress and subsequent rewatering on major physiological parameters of spring maize during the key growth periods
    CAI Fu, MI Na, JI Rui-peng, ZHAO Xian-li, SHI Kui-qiao, YANG Yang, ZHANG Hui, ZHANG Yu-shu
    2017, 28(11):  3643-3652.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.015
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    For deeply understanding water consumption characteristics and disaster-causing mechanism of spring maize under drought stress, continuous no-water complementing for 40 days and subsequent rewatering treatments were conducted in jointing (T1) and tasseling (T2) stages of spring maize ‘Danyu 39’. In the meantime, leaf and root water potential, main variables associated with photosynthesis including net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conduc-tance (gs), intercellular CO2 concentration(Ci) and stem flow rate (SF) were dynamically observed and the characteristics of their responses to drought and subsequent rehydration were investigated. The results indicated that leaf and root water potential, both presenting logarithm relationships with soil water content, decreased due to suffering from drought stress in different growth stages and the response of the former lagged behind that of the latter. At the same time, the response of leaf (root) water potential to drought stress in tasseling stage was earlier (later) than in jointing stage. For the response of rewatering, leaf water potential for the treatment T1(T2) was (not) able to recover to a certain extent, and could not reach the normal condition, while water potential of root was more responsive and closer to the normal level than that of leaf for the treatment T1. Furthermore, Pn and Tr responded more quickly to the treatment T2 than to the treatment T1. For subsequent rewatering after the treatment T1(T2), both Pn and Tr restored rapidly (slowly) with the former exceeding (returning) and the later being (not) able to reach normal level. Meanwhile, the response of Tr was faster than that of Pn to the treatment T1 and they responded simultaneously to the treatment T2. The response of gs agreed with Pn to drought stress. Change trend of Ci for the treatment T1(T2) was consistent (opposite) with that of Pn. In addition, SFs for various drought treatments and their daily maximums decreased and appeared ahead of time to different extents, respectively. At the same time, the response of SF to drought stress was more sensitive for the treatment T2 than for T1 and on a clear day than on a cloudy day, but the sensibility of SF declined after drought reached a certain level. Besides, SFs for both the treatment T1 and T2 increased as a result of rewatering after drought and the increase for the treatment T1 was larger than that for the treatment T2.
    Dynamics of soil water reservoir of wheat field in rain-fed area of the Loess Tableland, China
    LI Peng-zhan, WANG Li, WANG Di
    2017, 28(11):  3653-3662.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.018
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    Soil reservoir is the basis of stable grain production and sustainable development in dry farming area. Based on the long-term field experiment, this paper investigated the changes of soil moisture in wheat field located in the rain-fed Changwu Tableland, and analyzed the interannual and annual variation characteristics and dynamics trends of soil reservoir from 2012 to 2015. The results showed that the vertical distribution curves of average soil water content were “double peaks and double valleys”: first peak and valley occurred in the 10-20 and 50 cm soil layer, respectively, while for the second peak and valley, the corresponding soil layer was the 100 and 280 cm soil layer. Soil reservoir did not coincide with precipitation for all yearly precipitation patterns but lagged behind. Yearly precipitation patterns had a great influence on the interannual and annual dynamic changes of soil reservoir. Compared with rainy year, the depth of soil moisture consumption decreased and supplementary effect of precipitation on soil moisture became obvious under effects of drought year and normal year. In rainy year, soil reservoir had a large surplus (84.2 mm), water balance was compensated; in normal year, it had a slight surplus (9.5 mm), water balance was compensated; while in drought year, it was slightly deficient (1.5 mm), water balance was negatively compensated. The dynamics of soil water in winter wheat field in the rain-fed Changwu Tableland could be divided into four periods: seedling period, slow consumption period, large consumption period, and harvest period, the order of evapotranspiration was large consumption period> seedling period> harvest period> slow consumption period.
    Flux footprint of winter wheat farmland ecosystem in the North China Plain
    WU Dong-xing, LI Guo-dong, ZHANG Xi
    2017, 28(11):  3663-3674.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.029
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    The flux data of winter wheat farmland ecosystem observed by eddy covariance system in the North China Plain from 2013 to 2014 were used to combine with the footprint model FSAM. The temporal and spatial distributions of footprint of winter wheat farmland ecosystem in the North China Plain were analyzed. The differences of footprint distribution in different atmospheric stratification and growing seasons were contrastively studied. The results indicated that in the predominant wind direction, the source areas of stable atmospheric stratification were larger than unstable atmospheric stratification during the growing season of winter wheat. When the wind direction was between 0°-90°, the source area of stable atmospheric stratification was about 17.8 m longer than unstable atmospheric stratification in initial growing season. The source area of stable atmospheric stratification was about 11 m longer than unstable atmospheric stratification in late growing season. The location of the maximum flux footprint in initial growing season was 15 m (stable atmospheric stratification) and 12.4 m (unstable atmospheric stratification) further away from the observing tower than late growing season, respectively. Meanwhile, the location of the maximum flux footprint in stable atmospheric stratification was 5 m (initial growing season) and 2.4 m (late growing season) further away from the observing tower than unstable atmospheric stratification, respectively. When the wind direction was non-dominant between 90°-180°, the location of the maximum flux footprint in diffe-rent growing seasons and atmospheric stratification were 67.8 and 53.4, 47.0 and 30.8 m away from the observing tower, respectively. When the wind direction was between 270°-360°, the location of the maximum flux footprint in different growing seasons and atmospheric stratification were 58.8 and 42.0, 41.1 and 33.1 m away from the observing tower, respectively. The flux information was mainly from the northeast, southwest and southeast, which accounted for 35.4%, 32.5% and 19.4% of the whole gro-wing season scale, respectively. The major changes of flux footprint in the whole gro-wing season of winter wheat were observed from 16.0 to 173.8 m in the northeast and from 14.7 to 209 m in the southwest. The flux information was all from the farmland ecosystem. The characteristics of diurnal variations of flux footprint in two typical dates were obvious. The source area changed with atmospheric stratification and wind direction. The flux information was all from farmland ecosystem at night, while little flux information was from residential area and orchard at daytime. The quantitative results of this study could provide basis for the research of flux footprint in farmland ecosystem.
    Hyperspectral inversion of paddy soil iron oxide in typical subtropical area with Pearl River Delta, China as illustration
    GUO Ying, GUO Zhi-xing, LIU Jia, YUAN Yu-zhi, SUN Hui, CHAI Min, BI Ru-tian
    2017, 28(11):  3675-3683.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.040
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    Iron oxide is the main form of iron element existing in the soil. In subtropical areas, the high-content iron oxide constitutes the soil’s important coloring components, or its mineral substances, such as goethite and hematite, making the soil color apparently different from that in other climatic zones. The present paper, with the Pearl River Delta, a typical subtropical area, as illustration, and through analysis of the correlation between different spectral forms and the content of soil iron oxide, created inversion models of soil iron oxide by extracting characteristic spectral bands. The findings showed that there was a negative correlation between the content of soil iron oxide and the reflection spectrum, and the sensitive bands were mainly found in such visible near-infrared regions such as 404, 574, 784, 854 and 1204 nm. The correlation between the spectrum through differential processing and the soil iron oxide was significantly improved. On the basis of the correlation-prominent bands, the methods of both multiple linear regression and principal component analysis were adopted so as to remove collinear bands, and finally, characteristic bands were selec-ted to serve as the input parameters of inversion models. A comparison of the results revealed that the best inversion model of soil iron oxide content in the Pearl River Delta was BP artificial neural network (i.e., RMSEC=0.22, RMSEP=0.81, R2=0.93, RPD=12.20). It was applicable with excellent stability to the fast estimation of the iron oxide content in the soil and could hopefully serve as the research basis for the measure of the spatial distribution of the soil iron oxide.
    Effects of biochar and PAM application on saline soil hydraulic properties of coastal reclamation region
    CAO Yu-tong, SHE Dong-li
    2017, 28(11):  3684-3690.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.014
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    Disc infiltration tests were carried out to study the soil infiltration characteristics under different rates of soil amendments application, and to investigate the effects of biochar and polyacrylamide (PAM) application on saline soil hydraulic properties, pore characteristics and contribution of each pore to soil water flow in coastal reclamation region. The results showed that soil satura-ted hydraulic conductivity increased by 46.4% when biochar was applied at 2% compared with the control, and decreased with increasing PAM application. The total effective soil porosity and r>100 μm pores were increased by 8.3% and 10.2% (P<0.05) with the application of 2% biochar alone. The total effective soil porosity and different radius pores decreased with the PAM application. Particularly, the total effective soil porosity decreased markedly when PAM was applied at 1‰ and the reduction was up to 88%. With the application of biochar and PAM, the contribution of r<100 μm pores to water flow decreased and the pores with r>500 μm played a major role in determining water flows.
    Spatial evolution of land use intensity and landscape pattern response of the typical basins in Guizhou Province, China
    LIU Ya-xiang, LI Yang-bing, YI Xing-song, CHENG Xing
    2017, 28(11):  3691-3702.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.019
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    Based on the small scale characteristics of the basin, which is a kind of special landform influenced by the human activities obviously in Karst mountain area, the system grid method and the semivariogram model were used to analyze the 15 basins which belonged to three types in the territory of Guizhou Province to reveal the general pattern of spatial evolution of land use intensity and the mutual relationship with the landscape pattern change of the typical basins in the Karst mountainous area of Guizhou Province in 2005, 2010 and 2015. The results showed that the dynamic spatial evolution of land use intensity and response mode of landscape pattern showed obvious difference under the different basin types. In general, with the decrease of economic level of the basins from high to low, the land use intensity decreased in the form of a gradient. At the level of microcosmic evolution, the land use intensity of basins in the center of the cities and counties descended first and then ascended in the form of concentric band around the periphery of the center in the basin, and the spatial evolution trend of this kind of basin exhibited a stable and expanded form. The land use intensity of basins surrounding cities and towns, with a high intensity center, that could either increase or decrease, exhibited a fluctuating spatial evolution trend. The land use intensity of remote basins was basically stable, even slightly weakened and its space evolution was stable and debilitating. Because of the divergence of dominant function of the basins, there were five different modes of response between the change of land use intensity and landscape pattern of basins. During the study period, the spatial evolution of land use intensity of these 3 basin types was driven by natural and human factors. The interaction among various factors formed the typical characteristics of the land use intensity spatial evolution type of different basins.
    Dew amount and its inducing factors in the loess hilly region of northern Shaanxi Province, China
    WANG Hao, JIA Zhi-feng, WANG Zhi
    2017, 28(11):  3703-3710.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.016
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    In order to determine the characteristics of dew amount and its inducing factors in the semi-arid area of loess hilly region of China, a year-long in-situ monitoring experiment was carried out in Ansai County of Shaanxi Province, using a leaf wetness sensor (LWS). Results showed that the annual cumulative dew amount in Ansai area in the water year of 2015-2016 was 29.85 mm with a daily maximum of 0.82 mm. The amount of dew condensation manifested two strong characteristics: the daily and seasonal changes. The majority of daily dew amount appeared from 18:00 o’clock to 7:00 o’clock, and the seasonal dew changes showed that the maximum yield of dew occurred in the autumn, followed by the summer, with the least amount in spring and winter. With respect to spatial and temporal distribution, rain and dew were highly complementary as dew occurred mainly in the cloudless nights, but it was more conducive to dew condensation during the days right before and after the rain events. Relative air humidity and the difference between air temperature and dew point were the main factors influencing dew condensation. Dew amount was significantly positively correlated to relative humidity (r=0.726, P<0.01), and negatively correlated to air temperature-dew point difference (r=-0.725, P<0.01). Wind speed and direction affected dew condensation to some extent, but dew amount was weakly correlated to wind speed (r=0.133, P<0.01) and wind direction (r=0.219, P<0.01).
    Object-oriented stand type classification based on the combination of multi-source remote sen-sing data
    MAO Xue-gang, WEI Jing-yu
    2017, 28(11):  3711-3719.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.012
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    The recognition of forest type is one of the key problems in forest resource monitoring. The Radarsat-2 data and QuickBird remote sensing image were used for object-based classification to study the object-based forest type classification and recognition based on the combination of multi-source remote sensing data. In the process of object-based classification, three segmentation schemes (segmentation with QuickBird remote sensing image only, segmentation with Radarsat-2 data only, segmentation with combination of QuickBird and Radarsat-2) were adopted. For the three segmentation schemes, ten segmentation scale parameters were adopted (25-250, step 25), and modified Euclidean distance 3 index was further used to evaluate the segmented results to determine the optimal segmentation scheme and segmentation scale. Based on the optimal segmented result, three forest types of Chinese fir, Masson pine and broad-leaved forest were classified and recognized using Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier with Radial Basis Foundation (RBF) kernel according to different feature combinations of topography, height, spectrum and common features. The results showed that the combination of Radarsat-2 data and QuickBird remote sensing image had its advantages of object-based forest type classification over using Radarsat-2 data or QuickBird remote sensing image only. The optimal scale parameter for QuickBird&Radarsat-2 segmentation was 100, and at the optimal scale, the accuracy of object-based forest type classification was the highest (OA=86%, Kappa=0.86), when using all features which were extracted from two kinds of data resources. This study could not only provide a reference for forest type recognition using multi-source remote sensing data, but also had a practical significance for forest resource investigation and monitoring.
    Dynamic evolution of landscape spatial pattern in Taihu Lake basin, China
    WANG Fang, XIE Xiao-ping, CHEN Zhi-cong
    2017, 28(11):  3720-3730.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.011
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    Based on the land-use satellite image datasets of 2000, 2010 and 2015, the landscape index, dynamic change model, landscape transfer matrix and CLUE-S model were integrated to analyze the dynamic evolution of the landscape spatial pattern of Taihu Lake basin. The results showed that the landscape type of the basin was dominated by cultivated land and construction land, and the degree of landscape fragmentation was strengthened from 2000 to 2015, and the distribution showed a uniform trend. From the point of transfer dynamic change, the cultivated land and construction land changed significantly, which was reduced by 6761 km2 (2.1%) and increased by 6615.33 km2 (8.4%), respectively. From the landscape transfer, it could be seen that the main change direction of the cultivated land reduction was the construction land, and the cultivated land with 7866.30 km2 was converted into construction land, accounting for 91.6% of the cultivated land change, and the contribution to the construction land was 96.5%. The trend of dynamic changes of cultivated and construction land in the counties and cities was the same as that of the whole Taihu Lake basin. For Shanghai Central Urban, as well as Pudong District, Lin’an City, Baoshan District, Minhang District, Jiading District and Changzhou City, the area of the cultivated land and construction land changed more prominently. However, compared with the CLUE-S model for the landscape pattern change in 2030, the change of cultivated and construction lands would be the largest in the natural development scenario. Under the ecological protection scenario, the area of grassland would increase and the dynamic degree would reach 54.5%. Under the situation of cultivated land protection, the conversion of cultivated land to construction land would be decreased.
    Tourism ecological security early warning of Zhangjiajie, China based on the improved TOPSIS method and the grey GM (1,1)model
    XU Mei, LIU Chun-la, LI Dan, ZHONG Xiao-lin
    2017, 28(11):  3731-3739.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.017
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    Tourism ecological security early warning is of great significance both to the coordination of ecological environment protection and tourism industry rapid development in tourism destination, and the sustainable and healthy development of regional social and economy. Firstly, based on the DPSIR model, the tourism ecological security early warning index system of Zhangjiajie was constructed from 5 aspects, which were driving force, pressure, state, impact and response. Then, by using the improved TOPSIS method, the tourism ecological security situation of Zhangjiajie from 2001 to 2014 was analyzed. Lastly, by using the grey GM (1,1) model, the tourism ecological security evolution trend of 2015-2020 was predicted. The results indicated that, on the whole, the close degree of Zhangjiajie’s tourism ecological security showed a slightly upward trend during 2001-2014, the warning degree was the “moderate warning”. In terms of each subsystem, warning degree of the driving force system and the pressure system of Zhangjiajie’s tourism ecological secu-rity were on the rise, which evolved from “light warning” to “heavy warning”; warning degree of the state system and the impact system had not changed so much, and had been in the “moderate warning”; warning degree of the response system was on the decline, which changed from “huge warning” to “no warning” during 2001-2014. According to the current development trend, the close degree of Zhangjiajie’s tourism ecological security would rise further in 2015-2020, and the warning degree would turn from “moderate warning” into “light warning”, but the task of coordinating the relationship between tourism development and ecological construction and environmental protection would be still arduous.
    Effects of Phyllostachys edulis cultivation on soil bacterial and fungal community structure and diversity
    ZHAO Tian-xin, MAO Xin-wei, CHENG Min, CHEN Jun-hui, QIN Hua, LI Yong-chun, LIANG Chen-fei, XU Qiu-fang
    2017, 28(11):  3740-3750.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.033
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    This study examined how soil bacterial and fungal communities responded to the cultivation history of Moso bamboo in Anji and Changxing counties, Huzhou, Zhejiang, China. Soil samples (0-20 and 20-40 cm) were taken from bamboo plantations subjected to different cultivation histories and analyzed the community structures of soil bacterial and fungal by PCR-DGGE methods. It was found that soil bacterial and fungal communities varied greatly with the development of bamboo plantations which converted from Masson pine forest or formed via invading adjacent broadleaf shrub forest. Soil bacterial community structures exhibited a greater response to bamboo cultivation time than fungal community, but bacteria structure of surface soil displayed an ability of resiliency to disturbance and the tendency to recover to the original state. The cultivation time, sampling site and soil layer significantly affected the biodiversity of soil bacteria and fungi, especially the latter two factors. Redundancy analysis (RDA) of soil properties and bacteria or fungi communities showed that there were no accordant factors to drive the alteration of microbial structure, and the first two axes explained less than 65.0% of variance for most of the sampling sites and soil layers, indicating there existed soil parameters besides the five examined that contributed to microbial community alteration.
    Effects of tree species transition on soil microbial community composition and functions in subtropical China
    DING Guo-chang, WANG Xiao-hua, YANG Qi-fan, LIN Qun-xing, HUANG Zhi-qun
    2017, 28(11):  3751-3758.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.039
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    We employed a comparative study to examine the effects of tree species transition on soil microbial biomass, community composition and enzymes activities under Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook, Eucalyptus grandis and a N-fixing species, Acacia melanoxylon in subtropical China. Results showed that the effect of tree species on soil microbial community and enzymes activities was significant only in the 0-10 cm soil layer. Reforestation with N-fixing species A. melanoxylon on the C. lanceolata harvest site significantly increased the total phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA), fungal PLFAs, Gram-positive bacterial PLFAs, Gram-negative bacterial PLFAs and actinomycetes biomasses in the 0-10 cm soil layer. The principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the soil microbial community composition in A. melanoxylon soil differed significantly from that in C. lanceolata and E. grandis soils. N-fixing species (A. melanoxylon) significantly enhanced the percent abundance of Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria and actinomycetes. Activities of cellobiohydrolase, N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase and acid phosphatase were significantly higher under A. melanoxylon than under C. lanceolata and E. grandis plantations. Our results suggested that reforestation with N-fixing species, A. melanoxylon on C. lanceolata harvest site could increase soil microbial biomass, enzyme activities and soil organic matter content.
    Effects of strong reductive process on transformation of heavy metals in protected vegetable soil
    SUN Yan-chen, ZENG Xiang-feng, YANG Li-qiong, SHI Ya-nan, CHEN Xi-juan, ZHUANG Jie
    2017, 28(11):  3759-3766.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.032
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    The application of sewage and manure in protected vegetable cultivation can induce the occurrence of heavy metals contamination. The present research studied the transformation of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) by incubating contaminated protected soil with maize straw and then leaching. The results showed that soil pH was significantly decreased, being more evident in maize straw treatment; soil Eh dropped quickly below -280 mV. Maize straw treatment promoted the activation of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn from soil, and the total percent of oxidizable fraction and residual fraction of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn declined at 9th day; the amount of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in soil reduced 18.1%, 19.0%, 16.1% and 15.7% at 15th day, respectively. Compared to control, maize straw treatment could increase the concentrations of dissolved Cd and Zn, but Cu decreased. The concentration of colloidal-bound Cd and Pb increased, Cu decreased and no significant change occurred in Zn in maize straw treatment. Strong reductive approach could activate heavy metals in protected vegetable soil, increase the risk of heavy metals accumulation in vegetables, and possibly cause water pollution accompanied with soil water mobilization.
    Effects of sewage and Cd combined stress on metabolites of maize seedling
    LI Meng, CHEN Jia-yue, XIE Jing-fang, LYU Jia-li, GAO Shao-long, LIU Rui-qing
    2017, 28(11):  3767-3774.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.038
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    To investigate the influences of sewage and cadmium combined stress on maize seedling metabolites, we took GC-MS metabonomics technology to analyze the metabolite species, content and metabolic pathways. A total of 50 kinds of metabolites were identified. Under single stress of Cd, the malic acid content in maize seedling decreased, the citric acid content increased significantly, and the tricarboxylic acid cycle was relatively stable. Under the combined stress, both malic acid and citric acid contents increased significantly, and the tricarboxylic acid cycle was inhibited. Both single Cd stress and combined stress of sewage and Cd, especially the latter, led to the decrease of glucose and the increase of those substances related to resistance, such as proline, putrescine, muscle and γ-aminobutyric acid, which indicated the photosynthesis was inhibited. It was concluded that sewage and cadmium combined stress influence on maize seedling metabolites mainly by inhibiting the tricarboxylic acid cycle and photosynthesis.
    Relationship between leaf litter decomposition and colonization of benthic macroinvertebrates during early frost period in a headwater stream in the Changbai Mountains, Northeast China
    WANG Lu, YANG Hai-jun, LI Ling, NAN Xiao-fei, ZHANG Zhen-xing, LI Kun
    2017, 28(11):  3775-3783.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.035
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    Annually, about 70% of the streams in the Changbai Mountains are frosted during November to April, with manifest seasonal freeze-thaw characters. By using monoculture and mixing leaf litters of Tilia amurensis, Acer mono and Quecus mongolica, this research attempted to disentangle the relationship between leaf litter decomposition and colonization of macroinvertebrates in the stream during early frost period. A 35-day investigation was carried out in a headwater stream of the Changbai Mountains. Nylon bags with two hole sizes (5 mm and 0.3 mm) were used to examine decomposition of the litters. The results showed that the mass losses were significantly different among the three kinds of leaf litters in monoculture, whose decomposition rates descended as A. mono, T. amurensis, and Q. mongolica, however, there existed no significant difference among the litter mixing. Mass losses in both mesh bags all showed little difference, except T. amurensis and the mixed litters. Litter mixing effects occurred in the coarse mesh bags with A. mono and Q. mongolica, but no mixture effects for others. Community structures of the macroinvertebrates colonizing in the litter bags differed with each other, but shredders’ density had no significant difference among the three litters, and the mixing effects on shredders were poor. Our results implied that microbes play the major decomposers of leaf litters, and macroinvertebrates contribute little to the decomposition in the early frost period. Despite shredder’s density is lower, they determine the mixing effects of litters. Macroinvertebrates are selective to food and habitats, however, due to the short term colonizing, and the influence of leaf litters on shredders is still unsure. Our results might contribute to understanding the cold season ecological processes and related management issues of headwater stream ecosystem.
    Effect of temperature on the sex pheromone communication of Chilo suppressalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
    YU Qi, YAN Qi, DONG Shuang-lin
    2017, 28(11):  3784-3788.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.036
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    Environmental factors affect the insect sex pheromone communication, and subsequently the attractiveness of sex pheromone lures used in pest control. In order to provide the guidance for the sex pheromone use in control of Chilo suppressalis, effects of temperature on the sex pheromone production in female moths and electro-physiological response of male moths to sex pheromones, were explored in our present study. The insects were treated with different temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 ℃) at pupa and adult stages, then the contents and relative proportion of each of three pheromone components were determined by a gas chromatography (GC), and the electro-physiological response to sex pheromones were detected by an electroantennograph (EAG). Results showed that the contents of all three sex pheromone components (Z9-16:Ald, Z11-16:Ald and Z13-18:Ald) were highest in 25 ℃ treated females, significantly higher than those in other temperature treated females, and the relative proportion of Z13-18:Ald was significantly reduced in 25 ℃ treated females. On the male part, EAG responses to each of the three sex pheromone components and the tertiary blend showed no significant difference at temperatures between 15-25 ℃, but EAG va-lues decreased significantly as the temperature increased to 30 ℃ and further to 35 ℃ for component Z9-16:Ald, Z11-16:Ald and the blend, and to 35 ℃ for Z13-18:Ald. Taken together, the optimum temperature for the sex pheromone communication was 20-25 ℃ in C. suppressalis, and too higher or lower temperature will affect the normal communication. The study provided an important reference for the use of sex pheromone in pest control, and for prediction of the development of pest population at extremely low or high temperature.
    Feeding habits of Rhinogobius pflaumi in Jiaozhou Bay, China based on carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis
    SUI Hao-zhi, HAN Dong-yan, XUE Ying, MA Qiu-yun, XU Bin-duo, REN Yi-ping
    2017, 28(11):  3789-3796.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.034
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    Rhinogobius pflaumi is a small-sized, warm-temperate demersal fish species. It is one of the dominant species in fish community, and plays an important role in Jiaozhou Bay ecosystem. The trophic level and feeding habits of R. pflaumi were investigated by carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis, based on the data collected from the bottom trawl surveys during May 2011 in Jiaozhou Bay, China in this study. The results showed that the δ15N and δ13C values of R. pflaumi ranged from 11.24‰ to 13.99‰ and -20.67‰ to -18.46‰, respectively. The mean values of δ15N and δ13C were (12.70±0.70)‰ and (-19.08±0.36)‰, respectively. The mean trophic level of R. pflaumi was (3.62±0.21) for all size classes, ranging from 3.49 to 3.76 for different size classes. There was a significant negative correlation between the δ15N values and standard length, while no significant correlation was observed between δ13C values and standard length. The main prey groups of R. pflaumi were polychaeta, decapoda and mollusca. The trophic contributions of zooplankton and particle organic matter (POM) were relatively low. The similarities of prey species composition among different size classes were more than 92%, indicating that there was no significant difference in feeding habits with different standard lengths. R. pflaumi was an intermediate consumer in Jiaozhou Bay ecosystem. The significant negative correlation between trophic level and standard length might be due to variation in the proportion of different prey groups.
    Environmental control of zooplankton community structure in Tangshan Bay, China
    LI Zhi-wei, CUI Li-tuo
    2017, 28(11):  3797-3804.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.031
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    In order to study the relationship between zooplankton community structure and environmental factors in Tangshan Bay, the zooplankton community structure and environmental factors were investigated in 2015 April (spring), July (summer), October (autumn) and December (winter). The temporal and spatial variation of zooplankton community structure and its main environmental driving factors were analyzed by means of multivariate analysis and correlation analysis. The results showed that the main environmental factors affecting the abundance of zooplankton in Tangshan Bay were DIN, SS, temperature and Chla. Multivariate analysis indicated that DO, temperature and Chl a were the principal factors driving spatial differentiation of zooplankton community structure in Tangshan Bay. In different waters of Tangshan Bay, the environmental factors affecting zooplankton community structure were different. The main influencing factors were physical variables for Laoting and Sandao sea areas, while chemical variables for Caofeidian sea area, respectively. The results revealed the zooplankton community structure was more influenced by chemical variables (DIN, SRP) in sea areas heavily affected by human activity, while it was more influenced by phy-sical variables (T, SS) in sea areas less affected by human activity.
    Growth plasticity and yield formation in dryland wheat (Triticum aestivum) under artificial selection
    LIU Ying-xia, WANG Jian-yong, CHENG Zheng-guo, ASFA Batool, ZHU Ying, CHEN Ying-long, WANG Jing, XIONG You-cai
    2017, 28(11):  3805-3814.  doi:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201711.027
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    Dryland wheat has gone through double selections, including natural and artificial selection, in the evolutionary process. During this process, artificial selection played a key role in variety domestication and improvement. This paper summarized a few relatively independent but interrelated issues including evolutionary characteristics, physiological plasticity, morphological plasticity and population attribute transition in dryland wheat under artificial selection. It provided an overview on physiological and ecological mechanism of dryland wheat adapting to stress conditions, and an outline of wheat evolution route. In the long-term evolutionary history of dryland wheat from diploid to hexaploid, natural selection acted as a key role for wheat adaptation to stress environments. With the intervention of artificial selection, the yield-oriented phenotyping has been continuously strengthened, and morphological characteristics of wheat tended to display a fine adaptation to adverse environments at population level. As a product of artificial selection, water and nutrient use efficiencies were improved constantly, and biomass allocation pattern showed the characteristics of lowering below-ground parts and increasing above-ground parts. In the meantime, the tolerance to density and high temperature stresses tended to be enhanced, while photosynthetic rate per unit area was decreased gradually. Dryland wheat production was a complex population process, rather than a simple individual performance. Artificial selection increased population fitness and individual reproductive allocation in dryland wheat, which in turn strengthened its coordination with environment, but weakened its attributes of natural population. This paper also drew an outline of dryland wheat evolution, and provided a few suggestions for breeding strategies and cultivation management of dryland wheat under climate change.