Spatial variation and source identification of heavy metals in sediments in Shaanxi section of Weihe River, Northwest China.
LI Xuan-tian , ZHANG Feng-bao, YANG Ming-yi
2020, 31(12):
535 )
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In order to understand the spatial variation of heavy metals in Shaanxi section of Weihe River, the contents and sources of Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Sb, As, Ni, Cr, Zn, Mn in sediments at 17 sampling sites in Shaanxi section of Weihe River and its tributaries were analyzed. The results showed that the average contents of Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Sb, As, Ni, Cr, Zn, Mn were 0.10, 1.24, 11.73, 11.95, 24.90, 24.91, 29.31, 54.18, 72.74, 626.85 mg·kg-1, respectively. Except for that of Cd being greater than 1, the coefficient of variation for each of other heavy metals was less than 0.5. The peak contents of Cd, Pb and Cr were found at the sampling site of Bahe River, of Co and Mn at Heihe River, of Cu and Zn at Qingjiang River, and of Sb, As and Ni at Shawang Ferry, Xianyang Railway Bridge and Linjia Village, respectively. According to the results of correlation analysis, principal component analysis and cluster analysis, the elements of Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cr, Zn and Mn mainly originated from industrial and domestic sources, but Sb and As mainly originated from agricultural and geochemical sources.