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Haloxylon ammodendron community patterns in different habitats along southeastern edge of Zhunger Basin

WANG Chunling 1,GUO Quanshui 2,TAN Deyuan 3,SHI Zuomin 2,MA Chao 2   

  1. 1Department of Protection,State Forestry Administration,Beijing 100043, China;2The Research Institute of Forestry Ecological Environment and Protection,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091,China;3College of Bioscience and Biotechnology,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083, China

  • Received:2004-08-20 Revised:2005-03-15 Online:2005-07-18

Abstract: Low-lying land,slow and gentle desert,and semi-mobile dune are the three different habitats of natural Haloxylon ammodendron community along the southeastern edge of Zhunger Basin in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.This paper studied the structural characters of H.ammodendron community from the aspects of species structure,species diversity, biomass, and distribution patterns of natural regeneration sapling.The results showed that the species of H.ammodendron community was the richest on low-lying land,the second on slow and gentle desert,and the least on semi-mobile dune.The number of plant species in the three different habitats was 16,15 and 12,respectively.The amount of H.ammodendron natural regeneration sapling was the largest (6 687 trees·hm-2) on semi-mobile dune,but its distribution was not even.Low-lying land had a slightly smaller amount (5 799 trees·hm-2) of H.ammodendron natural regeneration sapling than semimobile dune,but the distribution of the sapling was more even. The overall evaluation was that the natural regeneration of Haloxylon ammod endron community was the best on low?lying land.Its total biomass on low-lying land was 19.39 t·hm-2 ,while that on slow and gentle desert and semi-mobile dune was 9.32 and 6.69 t·hm-2,respectively.The distribution patterns of H.ammodendron natural regeneration sapling in different habitats were all aggregatice.The ground of low-lying land was fixed,with fairly good soil moisture and fertility,which was appropriate for the growth of H.ammodendron and the development of H.ammodendron community,while that of slow and gentle desert and semi-mobile dune was easier to suffer from wind erosion,with poor soil moisture and fertility and fairly serious habitat conditions.

Key words: Bt transgenic cotton, Flavonoid chemicals, HPLC, Spatio temporal dynamics