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邓道贵1,3 李洪远2 胡万明2 周琼1 过龙根1   

  1. 1中国科学院水生生物研究所 东湖湖泊生态系统试验站 淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室,武汉 430072;2安徽省巢湖渔业管理局,巢湖 238000;3 淮北煤炭师范学院生物系,淮北 235000
  • 收稿日期:2004-07-09 修回日期:2004-10-02 出版日期:2005-08-18

Effects of eutrophication on distribution and population density of Corbicula fluminea and Bellamya sp.in Chaohu Lake

DENG Daogui1,3,LI Hongyuan2,HU Wanming2,ZHOU Qiong1,GUO Longgen1   

  1. 1State Key Laboratory for Freshwater Ecology and Biotechology,Donghu E
    xperimental Station of Lake Ecosystem,Institute of Hydrobiology,Chinese Academy
    of Sciences,Wuhan 430072,China;2Fishery Administer Committee for Lake Chaohu,Anhui Province,Chaohu 238000,China;3Huaibei Coal Industry Teachers College,Huaibei 235000,China

  • Received:2004-07-09 Revised:2004-10-02 Online:2005-08-18

摘要: 2001年9月和2002年9月两次对巢湖河蚬和环棱螺的调查表明,在富营养化程度较重的西湖区,河蚬生物量分别为17.87和47.29 g·m-2;环棱螺生物量分别为45.45和12.56 g·m-2.而在富营养化程度较轻的东湖区,河蚬的生物量分别为67.86和96.18 g·m-2;环棱螺的生物量分别为32.00和31.21 g·m-2.河蚬和环棱螺的种群密度和生物量均随水体富营养化的加剧而下降.近岸带河蚬和环棱螺的密度和生物量明显高于敞水区.河蚬的分布型为核心型,而环棱螺更接近随机性分布.河蚬和环棱螺的种群密度和生物量与水深均无明显相关(P>0.05).环棱螺生物量与总氮TN、硝态氮NO3-N、总磷TP和溶解性磷PO4-P浓度呈显著负相关,而河蚬生物量仅与PO4-P呈负相关.现有河蚬资源量与1981年相比有较大幅度的下降.探讨了其它环境因子对河蚬和环棱螺分布和生长的影响.

关键词: 杨树, 新品种, 引进, 优选

Abstract: The investigation on the distribution and population density of C.fluminea and Bellamya sp.in Chaohu Lake during September 2001 and September 2002 showed that in the west region of the lake where was seriously eutrophic,the density and biomass of C.fluminea were 5.1 ind.·m-2 and 17.87 g·m-2 in 2001,and 8.8 ind.·m-2 and 47.29 g·m-2 in 2002,while those of Bellamya sp.were 13.3 ind.·m-2 and 45.45 g·m-2 in 2001,and 3.8 ind.·m-2 and 12.56 g·m-2 in 2002,respectively.In the east region of the lake where was eutrophic,the density and biomass of C.fluminea were 23.8 ind.·m-2 and 67.86 g·m-2 in 2001,and 29.2 ind.·m-2 and 96.18 g·m-2 in 2002,while those of Bellamya sp.were 10.1 ind.·m-2 and 32.00 g·m-2 in 2001,and 9.4 ind.·m-2 and 31.21 g·m-2 in 2002,respectively.The density and biomass of C.fluminea and Bellamya sp.were declined with increasing eutrophication.In hypertrophic region,C.fluminea and Bellamya sp.were absent.The density and biomass of the two species were obviously higher in littoral than in pelagic region.The distribution type of C.fluminea was core-model,while that of Bellamya sp.was random.The correlation between the density and biomass of C.fluminea and Bellamya sp.and water depth was not significant(P>0.05).The biomass of Bellamya sp.was negatively correlated with water TN(P<0.01),NO3-N(P<0.05),TP(P<0.01) and PO4-P(P<0.05),while that of C.fluminea only had a significantly negative correlation with PO4-P(P<0.05).Compared with 1981,there was fewer C.fluminea in the lake nowadays. The effects of other environmental factors on the population distribution and growth of C.fluminea and Bellamya sp.were also discussed.

Key words: Poplars, New clones, Introduction, Selection